Expire an Insurance

Expire an Insurance

Expire an Insurance

What Happens when I Expire an Insurance Policy?

  • Adding an Expiration Date to one policy expires the whole Insurance Profile.

What should I do if the Patient has a new Secondary Insurance but the Primary is the same?

  • If a Patient needs to add a new Secondary Insurance, the current Insurance Profile needs to be expired, and a New Profile added using From Existing for the Primary Insurance, and use New for the Secondary Insurance.

Expire a Insurance Policy

  1. Select Insurance Management on the Patient Dashboard.

  1. From the Insurance Management page, click the policy you want to expire. 
  2. Add an expiration date in the Expiration field.
  3. Click Save (F2).

  1. On the Insurance Management page, click Add New Insurance Profile.
  2. Choose either to Add New or From Existing for the new Insurance Profile.

For further information on adding a new Insurance Profile go to Add/Modify Insurance Profiles on an Existing Patient.

On the New Profile add an Effective date for the new Insurance.

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