Charges Dashboard

Charges Dashboard

You can quickly access topics related to Charges and Post Charges on the Charges Dashboard.

Post Panel

  1. Navigate directly to the Custom Encounter Query Report.
  2. Use the Post Charge button to enter a New Charge.
  3. Batch Eligibility by DOS History: View Eligibility Batch History

Incomplete Charges Panel

  1. Select the Review link to navigate to the Incomplete Charges Review screen.
  2. Select the checkbox to view Self Pay Only.
  3. List of all Incomplete Charges.
  • Use the links to navigate to the Encounter and Patient Dashboards.

Charges from Active Reference Batch Panel

  1. Select the Reference Batches link to navigate to the list of Reference Batches.
  2. List of Charges in your current Active Reference Batch.

My Recent Charges Panel

This section shows your most recent Charges. You will not see other User's Charges in this panel.

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