Scan Documents without Direct Scanning
If you are not using the Direct Scanning feature, you can still upload scanned documents.
While most documents belong in the Patient Chart, Patient IDs and Insurance Cards can be scanned into the PM System.
There is a 2MB file size limit for uploads, and this cannot be increased, and TIF files are not supported.
Add and Upload a Scanned Document
Patient Documents Panel on the Patient Dashboard
Scan the Driver's License and Insurance Card to a specific file on your computer.
- From the Patient Dashboard in the Patient Documents panel, select the Add link.

- Received: If the Date does not auto-populate, enter the current date.
- Choose the Type of Document being stored. See Manage Document Types.
- Link To: This field auto-populates dependent upon the Type chosen.
- Policy: If the Insurance is not populated, select it from the Policy dropdown.
- Choose File: Select the Document from your local computer.
- Enter a Note if applicable.
- Select Save [F2].

Active Policies Panel
- Select the Add link beside the Insurance in the Active Policies panel.

- If the Date does not auto-populate, enter the current date.
- Type: IC is auto-populated and grayed out.
- File: Choose the file from the place where it was saved on your computer.
- Note: Enter if applicable.
- Select Save [F2].
Duplicate Policy/Insurance
If the System detects that there is already a Policy with the same Insurance, a Duplicate Insurance Policy warning will display
- If you click Save & Continue on the warning screen, the System will automatically create a new Insurance Policy with the scanned information.
- If you close the Warning screen without choosing Save & Continue, and close the Add/Modify Document screen, the uploaded scan will not be added.

Your Scanned Documents can be viewed in the Patient Documents panel and in the Active Policies panel.
Manage Document Types
System Delivered Document Types
- IC: Insurance Card
- ID: Driver's License/ID
- PASS: Passport
- PP: Patient Photo
- - Manage-: Add/Edit/Delete