Charge Summary Report

Charge Summary Report

Charge Summary Overview

The Charge Summary Report is found on the Reports Dashboard.

Charge Summary

The Charge Summary Report provides a high level view of Charges with Patient and Insurance Balances. Each line is a summary of the Charges representing an Encounter.

Example: A Patient has a visit with 3 Procedure Codes: 99214, J3310, and 73564.

  • The Charge Summary Report will show one Encounter summary line with these columns:
  • ID: Patient's ID plus Encounter ID (13297e8150)
  • Patient: Patient's Name
  • Insurance: The Patient's Primary Insurance
  • Facility: Facility Abbreviation
  • Diag: The Primary Diagnosis Code
  • Ins/Bal: The Insurance Balance for the reported Encounter only
  • Post Date: Date the Charge was posted.
  • Service Date: Date of Service
  • Charges: Sum of the 3 Charges on this Encounter
  • Ins/Chrg: Amount that actually is submitted on the claim
  • Pat/Chrg: Charges that were entered on this Encounter as Patient Responsibility.
  • Pat/Bal: The Patient Balance for Charges entered as Patient Responsibility.

  • Use Date: Run the Report by Charge Post Date or Procedure Service Date.
  • Use Charge Post Date: View the charges that were posted on a specific date(s). This may include multiple Dates of Service.
  • Use Procedure Service Date: View the actual charges for a specific Date of Service.

Charge Summary Report vs. Daily Charges Report

  • The Daily Charges Report shows line item detail.
  • The Charge Summary Report is an Encounter summary with one line representing the Encounter.

Learn More

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