Aging by Patient Report

Aging by Patient Report

Aging by Patient Report

The Aging by Patient Report can be used for outstanding Patient/Insurance balancesPatient/Insurance credits, and Escrow.

  • Patient Credits
  • Insurance Credits


  • Aging By: Patient Only, Patient and Insurance, or Insurance Only
  • This report can be used for Patient and Insurance Aging and Escrow, but is most commonly used for Patient reporting.
  • Aging By Date: Bill Date, Post Date, Date of Service, or Responsibility Date.
  • Aging From/Aging To: The reported Balance can be broken down into Aging Buckets.
  • DOS From/DOS To: Use the Date of Service to run for specific dates or span dates.
  • Balance >=/Balance <=This looks at the balance for the individual Responsible Party (Specific Patient, Guarantor, or Insurance)
  • Use a Balance range to pull specific dollar amounts.
  • Example: Report all balances less than $5.00 but greater than or equal to $0.01
  • Balance >= .01
  • Balance <= 4.99
  • Note: This filter examines the Balance for the Responsible Party totaled across ALL Encounters.
  • Total Balance >=/Total Balance <=: Looks at the Total Balance based on the "Aging By" filter used.
  • Patient Only = Patient Balance
  • Insurance Only = Insurance Balance
  • Patient & Insurance = Patient + Insurance Balance
  • Dunning Count >=/Dunning Count <=
  • Tags
  • Resolved Tags: Exclude (Default), Include, or Only
  • Self Pay: Include or Exclude
  • Send to Patient Worklist/Send to Charge Worklist: Can send the report results to one of these Worklists
  • Include After Insurance: Select the checkbox to Include Patient Balances after Insurance has paid. Selected by Default.
  • Include Encounters: If selected, the Encounters that have Balances are included on the report even if the  Encounter does not fall in the range of the other Filters.
  • The data shown includes: Encounter, DOS, Last Payment, Aging (Days), Charges, Ins Payments, Write Offs, Patient Payments, Adjustments, & Balance.
  • Include Notes: If selected, Patient and Encounter Notes (for Encounters with balances) will be included.
  • Include $0 Balances: If selected, the Report will include all Encounters, with and without a balance.
  • Totals Only
  • Sort By: Guarantor Name, Guarantor ID, Patient Name, or Patient ID

Report Examples

Include Encounters is Not Selected


Include Encounters is Selected

Patient Credit Report

Learn More

Reports Criteria Overview

A/R Reports

Unresolved Claims Report

Interactive Aging

Patient Credit Management

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