The Interactive Aging Report is a real-time A/R Report. It can be grouped and aged dynamically. If the Bill Date is chosen as the Aging Date, and there is no Bill Date the System uses the Responsibility Date as the fallback date. This Report does not include Collections.
This report can be accessed from the Home Dashboard or the Navigation Search Box. It cannot be accessed from the Report Dashboard.
On the Home Dashboard, select the Interactive Aging Report (IA) or enter IA in the Navigation Search Box.
Use the Filter Criteria to specify the data in the Report.
Total-By Options: The Total-By entity that is chosen creates a row for each item with Column totals.
Insurance (Default)
Insurance Reporting Group
Insurance CFI
Facility Reporting Group
Billing Provider
Rendering Provider
Referring Provider
Provider Reporting Group
Statement Profile
Timely Filing
Aging By: Bill Date, Responsibility Date, Post Date, Date of Service, or Added Date.
A/R: Billed or Expected
Billed: Displays outstanding A/R by the amount that was billed.
Expected: Allows clients to forecast the expected amount that will be collected on unpaid balances. Using A/R by Expected amount instead of the Billed amount gives a more realistic assessment of the A/R. Learn More: Configure Settings.
Credits: Include, Exclude, or Only: With the Include/Exclude/Only Credit filter, each Responsible Party balance is taken into consideration. This makes it easy to isolate individual Credit Balances.
Unbilled: Include, Exclude, or Only
Insurance Reporting Group
Include/Exclude Fields
These Fields can be used to Include or Exclude selected criteria.
Facility Reporting Group
Billing Reporting Group
Rendering Reporting Group
CPT® Code
Statement Profile
Tag Attributes
DOS From
Include/Exclude/Only Dropdown Options
Employer on Policy: Include is the Default
Employer as Guarantor: Include is the Default
Resolved Tags: Exclude is the Default.
Include Reversed Encounters
Include Percentages: Select to display Percentage of A/R in each Aging category.
Ability to sort by columns: Click one of the Headings on the Report to sort.
Export the Interactive Aging list to Excel/CSV or PDF.
Click on the Aging Column links to Navigate to the Encounters by Status List for Items in that particular category.
Includes Insurance and Patient Aging Categories when Totaled By Insurance and Insurance Reporting Group.
Export the Report results to an Encounter Worklist for follow-up.
Add Individual Encounters to an Encounter Worklist.
Interactive: Navigate to the Patient or Encounter Dashboard using the Patient/Encounter ID links in the Report.
View Claim Status. Hover over the Status abbreviation to see the meaning.
Key Performance Indicator threshold % triggers red highlights.
Thresholds are entered in the Admin Dashboard > System Settings > Reports.
Thresholds can be set separately for Patient A/R.
Patient Aging Totals are located at the bottom of the Interactive Aging report.
Patient - After Insurance: This is the Patient Responsibility Totals after Insurance has paid.
Patient - Self Pay: This is Patient Responsibility for Patients that do not have any Insurance.
Filters Criteria
Totals By: Choose Insurance.
Insurance: Enter Pat and choose Patient.
Click Search.
Filtered for Patient balances only. Choose Patient for the Insurance.