Create and Post a Patient Receipt/Payment Manually

Create and Post a Patient Receipt/Payment Manually

Create a Patient Receipt Manually

If the Copay was not entered during the Check-in/Check-out workflow, or if your Practice does not use the Calendar, there are several ways to create a Patient Receipt.

  • Enter NR in the Navigation box (Go-Cuts) shortcut;
  • Use the Post Payment link on the Patient Dashboard;
  • Use the Post Payment link or the Post Copay link on the Encounter Dashboard; or
  • From Payments on the Left Side Menu, select the Post Payment button.


Create a Receipt

  1. Payment Type: Choose Patient Payment. (creates a PP transaction) 
  2. Post Date: Defaults from the Reference Batch.
    1. If this is blank, you are not attached to a Reference Batch.
      1. Connect to a Reference Batch before continuing.
  3. Enter the Receipt Date (Mandatory).
  4. Check Date is optional.
  5. Patient: If the patient does not populate, use the lookup to find the patient by selecting the Search icon or entering the Patient ID or Guarantor ID.
  6. Guarantor: Defaults from Patient but can be changed.
  7. Enter the total amount paid in the appropriate field: Check, Cash, or Card.
  • If a patient pays using multiple methods which includes a credit card payment, create two receipts.
  • For example: Patient pays $20 in cash and $35 on a credit card
  • Create a receipt for the Cash and create a separate receipt for the Credit Card.
  1. If this is a Copay, enter the amount in the Copay field.
  • If part of the Payment is a Copay and the rest of the payment is on the account, only enter the Copay amount in the Copay field.

  1. Reference/Check Number: This field can be used for check numbers or other information that you want to see in the Reference Column when viewing the Reference Batch Items.
  2. Received From: POS Payment (Point of Service), and Note are optional fields.
  1. In the Payment Posting Action panel, select the posting method.
    1. Use Do not Post when:
      1. You want to create a receipt without posting, leaving the money in Escrow.
      2. You want to post this money later, leaving the money in Escrow.
      3. You want to use the Post (Expert) option.
  1. Use Manually Post when you want to post the Receipt manually.
  2. Use Auto Post when posting a payment on an account.
    1. Money will be applied by default to the oldest Dates of Service (DOS) first that have a Patient balance.
  3. Use Post Multiple when you want to proceed directly to a new Receipt after saving.
  1. Select Save [F2].

Post the Patient Payment

If Manually Post was chosen, the Post Patient & Collection Payments screen will display:

  1. Reset the Dunning Count for the below Encounters to: This Defaults to the value that was chosen in the Payment Rules panel in Statement Settings, but can be changed manually. This determines the Dunning Message that will be on the next Statement.
  • In the Example below, the Dunning Count defaulted to Minus One.
  • The Dunning Count was 1 before posting this Payment. Minus One will set the Dunning Count to Zero. (1 minus 1 = 0).

  1. In the Payment Application panel, select the plus icon (+) to expand the panel and filter for the encounters you want to see.
  • This can be left blank.

  1. Show: From the Show dropdown list choose an option.
  • Services with Balance: Patient Balances
  • Services with Collection Balance Only: Shows balances that have been sent to collections.
  • All Services: All Encounters regardless of balance.
  1. Include Additional Patients Under Same Guarantor: Select the checkbox to include all Patients with this Guarantor. Used frequently with Pediatric Practices.
  2. Method: Choose a Method from the dropdown list.
  • Apply Manually: (Default) Allows you to manually choose the Encounters to post the receipt by selecting the checkboxes on the Encounter line items.
  • Apply Oldest Balances First: Distributes the receipt from the oldest Encounter to the newest Encounter with a patient balance.
  • Apply Smallest Charges First: Distributes the receipt to the smallest amounts first regardless of the Date of Service (DOS) on Encounters where there is a patient balance.
  • Uncheck All: Deselects all Encounters where there is a check mark.
  1. Total Escrow: A smiley face will display next to Total Escrow when the receipt has been posted in full.

In the Example, Apply Manually was chosen.

  1. Select the check boxes manually on the Encounter line to apply the Escrow.
  • If you choose a different Method, the list will show how the System allocated the Receipt.
  • When all of the Escrow has been allocated, the yellow highlighted amount will change to 0.00 with a Smiley Face.
  1. When finished posting, select Save [F2].

Post a Collection Payment

Learn More

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