Patient Appointment Panel
The Patient Appointment Panel, by default, only shows a few Appointments.
- To see all Appointments that have been scheduled for a Patient, select the Plus symbol (+).
- The Appointments are listed in chronological order from newest to oldest.

- Schedule: Opens the Calendar to schedule an Appointment. For further information see Add an Appointment.
- Recalls: Add a Patient to a Recall list or view the Recall list where this Patient has already been added. For further information see Recalls.
- Modify: Selecting the Modify icon displays the Patient's Appointment screen where you have access to the same links as on the Calendar.

Patient Appointment Columns
- Modify: Select the Modify icon to open the Patient Appointment screen to make changes to the Appointment/Patient information.

- Date: Selecting the Date link takes you to the Appointment on the Calendar and blinks for easy access.
- Time: Time of the Appointment
- When: How many days the Appointment was in the past and the number of days in the future.
- Appointment is today: Today will display.
- Appointment is tomorrow: Tomorrow will display.
- Resource: Person, Room, or Equipment
- Facility: Where the Patient is being seen.
- Type: Kind of Appointment, such as, Office Visit, Follow-up, New Patient, etc.
- Reason: Why the Patient is being seen.
- This field may be blank if a reason was not entered on the Appointment.
- Note: Notes entered on the Appointment.
- This field will be blank if a Note was not entered.
- Status: Status of the Appointment, such as Scheduled, Confirmed, No Show, Canceled, etc.
- Tasks: The Appointment can be added as a Task to an Appointment Worklist.

Add an Appointment from Patient Dashboard
- Select the Schedule link.

- The Facility defaults.
- The Patient ID displays automatically.
- Select the Type.
- The Duration can be changed on-the-fly
- Enter other pertinent information.
- Select Save [F2].

After making the Appointment, you will need to detach from the Patient before scheduling the next Appointment.
- Detach by selecting the Red X on the Title Bar.

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