Add Resources (Providers, Rooms, Equipment) to the Calendar

Add Resources (Providers, Rooms, Equipment) to the Calendar

Add Resources (Providers, Rooms, Equipment) to the Calendar

Calendar Resources are used to manage the availability of ProvidersRoomsEquipment, etc.

  • The Calendar helps to manage a balanced workload, preventing the likelihood of overload or overbooking.
  • If it is a person, place, or thing that needs a schedule on the calendar, you will create a Resource for each of these.

Add a Resource to the Calendar

If you chose to add the Resources from the Billing/Rendering Library, those providers will already be listed on the Resources Tab. Other Resources can be added using the Scheduling Resource Tab, such as, Lab, Room, and Providers.

  1. From the Scheduling Dashboard, select Scheduling Setup.
  2. Select the Resource tab.
  3. Select Add.

  1. Choose the Type (Person, Equipment, Room, or Group). This cannot be changed once the screen is saved.
  2. Enter an ID. Used to identify this Resource in the Libraries. This ID will be pre-pended in the Resource list with a P, R, or E, designating it as a Person, Room, or Equipment Resource. This field cannot be changed once the screen is saved.
  3. Enter an Abbreviation. This will display in the left sidebar of the Calendar, in the Resources section of the Scheduling tab.
  4. Enter a Name. This will display in the Calendar at the top of each Resource column.
  5. You can link with a specific Provider from the Billing/Rendering library.
  • This Provider will default in Charge entry for this appointment.
  • If this a a Rendering Only Provider, leave the field blank if the Rendering Provider works under more than one Billing Provider.
  1. Effective: Use the Effective Date as the start date for a Resource, but it can be left blank.
  2. Expiration: Use the Expiration Date to remove a Resource from the Calendar Resources section, and make sure it is no longer available to use in the Schedule Build process.

  1. Superbill ID and Upload Superbill. A Superbill can be linked and uploaded to a Resource.
  2. Patient Description. A different description can be added for patient facing documents.
  3. Set the minimum Time Increments. This defaults from System Settings but can be overridden here. See Resource Time Increments
  4. Choose the Facilities where this Resource is available for appointments. Click the checkbox to see a list of the Facilities.
  5. Click Save.

Modify/Delete a Calendar Resource

If a Resource has been used, it cannot be deleted, but it can be modified.

  • Type and ID: These 2 fields cannot be changed once the Resource is used on the Calendar.
  • All other fields can be modified.
  • Effective and Expiration Dates: These dates determine when the Resource appears and can be used on the Calendar.
  • If you no longer need the Resource, use the Expiration Date to prevent the Resource from appearing on the Calendar.

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