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Fee/RVU Management
Add Charge Fee, Allowed Fee, and RVU Schedules If the Items Number is 0, there is a problem with the file that was uploaded. Reference the File Formatting Guidelines to ensure a successful upload. All Charge Fee, Allowed Fee, and RVU Schedules are ...
Add/Modify Insurances in the Insurance Library
When adding Payers to the Insurance Library, the System automatically creates numeric Insurance IDs unless you have elected to create your own. Create Your Own Insurance IDs Go to Admin > System Settings > General > INSAUTOASSIGN > NO. For example: ...
Fee/RVU File Formatting and Resources
Release 4.7 Resources for Creating and Using Fee and RVU Schedules All Fee and RVU Schedules can be created in the Fee/RVU Management Library. The following resources can be found on the CMS website. Physicians Fee Schedule: ...
Add/Map an Insurance or Payer ID to an ERA
Add/Map an Insurance or Payer ID to an ERAIf you see this message when applying ERAs, you will need to add the ERA Payer ID to the Insurance Library and then to the ERA. SORRY CANNOT POST ERA. Insurance ID Payer ID number is missing from Remit File ...
Patient List by Insurance
Run a Patient List by a Specific Insurance Custom Encounter Query (CEQ) The criteria below produces a list of all active Patients with Medicare as their Primary Insurance. Policy - Insurance 1: EQUALS Medicare Policy - Insurance 1 - Inactive: DOES ...