Insurance FAQs

Insurance FAQs

Insurance FAQs

Different Insurance

How do I transfer/move a Charge/Encounter to another carrier/payer/insurance?

How do I change a Secondary Insurance to the Primary?

How do I change a policy number, group number, or group name on an Insurance Policy?


How do I add DME to an Active Insurance Profile?

Expire an Insurance Policy

What Happens when I Expire an Insurance Policy?

Fee/RVU Management

Why am I getting a Validation Error when I add a CFEE to a Payer?

  • The use of CFee no longer exists on the Payer.

  • All Fee Schedules are created in the Fee/RVU Management Library.

Payer IDs

How can I find a Payer ID?

How do I add an Insurance to the Library using the Clearinghouse Payer List?

Primary and Secondary Insurances are the same

What should I do if the Patient has a new Secondary Insurance but the Primary is the same?


Can I print a list of Insurance Companies and Payer ID?

  • The Insurances can be downloaded in PDF or CSV format.
  • If downloaded in CSV and saved as an Excel document, the columns you do not need can be deleted.

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