- Rendering: Select the Provider administering anesthesia.
- Billing: Select the Billing/Supervising provider.
- Usually the anesthesiologist
- Referring: Enter the Surgeon performing the Procedure, if needed.
- Anesthesia Type: Reportable
- Required for AQI reporting
- Can be used to automatically apply a modifier (QS) when the anesthesia type is MAC (Monitored Anesthesia Care)
- Physical Status:
- Required for AQI reporting
- Procedure: Required field.
- If entering the Surgery code AND the Anesthesia code, the surgery code is entered here.
- If entering Anesthesia codes only, enter the anesthesia code here.
- If the Crosswalk is loaded into Admin > Anesthesia Time Units, the Anesthesia code populates automatically when the Surgery code is entered in the Procedure field.
- If the Crosswalk is not loaded:
- Enter the Anesthesia code ONLY if the Surgical Procedure Code was entered in the Procedure Code field.
- Otherwise, leave blank.
- Enter the Modifiers.
- Physical Status: Reportable
- Required for AQI reporting
- Modifier P3 & P4 can be set up to add units to the base unit count automatically in the Anesthesia Time Units Setup.
- Concurrency Modifiers will be System added later.
- Rendering Provider: The Rendering Provider can change at the Service Line level (CRNAs, Residents, etc.).
- This field will auto populate from the Rendering Provider selection in the Claims panel.
- Change here if the Rendering is different for a specific line item.
- This outputs on electronic claims but not on paper claims.
- Fee: Will auto populate the per Unit rate.
- Enter the Anesthesia Start time
- Enter the Anesthesia End time.
- Exact minutes matter!
- If the Anesthesia service was interrupted:
- Selecting the plus icon opens a window allowing the addition of multiple Start and Stop times.
- The system calculates the minutes for each Start and Stop, and includes them in the minutes field.
- Base Units: The System uses the Base Units set up in the Procedure Code library.
- May also be automatically increased by modifier P3 or P4 per Anesthesia Time Units Setup.
- Example: Procedure Code was set up with Base Units = 3 and Modifier P3 with 1 Unit.
- The Base Unit calculation will be 4.
- Time Units: The System converts the minutes to Time Units based on the Anesthesia Time Units Setting.
- Units: The System totals Units to be billed (base + modifiers + time)
- Total: The System calculates the total Charge amount: Fee x Units
- In the Example: ($450.00 x 11 = $4,950.00)
**NOTE: If client is billing other charges, such as Office Visits, in the same database as they are billing the anesthesia charges, in order to enter the the non-anesthesia charge, the Time units must equal 0.00.**
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