The Guarantor must be correctly setup during Registration or on an existing Patient. When the Employer or Attorney is added as a Guarantor, it is also added to the Active Policies Panel.
Add the Employer/Attorney as Guarantor during Patient Registration
From the Guarantor Demographic panel on the Patient Registration screen:
- Patient is Guarantor: Choose No.
- Relationship to Guarantor: Choose 20 - Employee/Attorney.
- Employer: Choose the Employer (Must be setup in the Employer/Attorney Library)

- When the Guarantor is added to the Patient, the Employer is added automatically to the Active Policies Panel on the Patient Dashboard.

Add Employer/Attorney Guarantor from the Patient Dashboard
- Select the Guarantors link.

- From the Guarantor list screen, select Add.

- Patient relationship to Guarantor: Select 20 - Employee
- Default: Select Default for this Guarantor to be the default responsible party for new charges. This can be overridden during charge entry.
- Employer/Attorney: Select the Employer/Attorney from lookup.
- Select Save [F2].

The system automatically creates a new Default Insurance Management profile for an Employer/Attorney as the Primary policy and makes the patient not responsible upon saving the Add/Modify Guarantor screen.

Your system shows the policyholder as the Patient. This option is chosen since the patient is employed by this employer. The patient does not receive an invoice or statement.
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