The Advance Payment was Posted Previously

The Advance Payment was Posted Previously

The charge was entered with a zero dollar fee

On the Encounter where the Advance Payment was posted, the charge was entered with a zero dollar amount.

The charge was entered with a dollar amount

On the Encounter where the Advance Payment was posted, the charge was entered with a dollar amount equal to the Advance Payment Amount

Entering a charge for the same amount as the Advance Payment will inflate your charges. If you entered a charge with a dollar amount, to prevent charge inflation, you can Reverse the Encounter, change the charge fee to zero, and follow the instructions above for posting the Recoupment and Adjustment.

If you want to continue without Reversing the Encounter, keep posting the recoupments against the Charge amount until the balance is zero. At that point, Medicare should have recouped all of the Advance Payment.

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