Post a Medicare Advance Payment and Adjustment

Post a Medicare Advance Payment and Adjustment

To prevent the Payment from affecting your A/R, the Payment and Adjustment can be posted at the same time. This will bring the encounter balance to zero on the Medicare Advance "fictitious" patient.


Post to an ERA  

There will be a message in red letters on the ERA File Dashboard alerting you that there are transactions that could not be auto-posted.


These transactions will show near the bottom of the EOB. The Advance Payment will be labeled PROV ADJ CODE: AP



  1. On the ERA File Dashboard, select Attach New Receipt.



  1. Enter the Amount of the Advance Payment.

  2. Select Save or press F2.

  3. Select the Receipt number.



  1. Select Post (Expert Mode).



  1. Search for the Medicare Advance (fictitious) Patient or enter the Patient number.

  2. Select the Encounter number.

  3. Enter IP in the Transaction Code field.

  4. Enter the Medicare Advance Payment amount.



  1. Enter the adjustment code you created. For example, CAPSAP

  2. Enter the same amount as the Recoupment. If the adjustment code was set up as a credit, use a negative number. If it was set up as a debit, use a positive number.
    The Medicare balance amount on the top right should be 0.00 after adding the payment and adjustment.

  3. Select Save Unbalanced.

  4. Select Save [F2].


 Post Manually   

The payment posting instructions are the same as posting the ERA except the receipt will be created from the Payments Dashboard, choose Post Payment.

  1. Payment Type: Choose Insurance Payment

  2. Insurance: Choose Medicare

  3. Received: Enter the check amount.

  4. Reference/Check Number: Enter the check number (optional)

  5. Payment Posting Action: Select Do Not Post

  6. Select Save [F2}.



  1. Select Post (Expert Mode).



  1. Search for the Medicare Advance "Patient".

  2. Select the Encounter number.

  3. Enter IP in the Transaction Code field.

  4. Amount: Enter the Medicare Advance Payment amount.



  1. Transaction Code: Enter the Transaction (adjustment) code that you set up. For example: CAPSAP.

  2. Enter the same amount as the Recoupment. If the adjustment code was set up as a credit, use a negative number. If it was set up as a debit, use a positive number.



  1. Select Save Unbalanced.

  2. Select Save [F2].


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