Tags can be worked from several areas in the System.
If Hold Guarantor is chosen on a Tag, all Encounters attached to this Guarantor will be held. Therefore, if you have several Patients attached to one Guarantor, no Statements will be sent until the Tag is resolved.
Pin the Tagged Encounters panel to your Home Dashboard for quick access.
Tags can be attached and resolved from the Tagged Encounters Dashboard.
Using the results of your Filter Criteria, you can Attach or Resolve one or multiple Tags. Tags cannot be deleted from the Tagged Encounters Dashboard.
Tags can be Attached, Resolved, or Deleted from the Encounter Dashboard.
There are two ways to Resolve or Delete Tags from an Encounter.
Method 1
Method 2
Encounter Tags in the Balance Panel using Actions on the Patient Dashboard can be Attached or Resolved.
This is the same as working a Task on Worklist.
Before completing the Worklist Task, make sure that the Tag has been resolved on the Encounter.
Tags on the Claims Submission Queue Panel
The Claims that could not be batched because of Tags are listed on the Claims Submission Queue. (Claims > Claims Submission Queue)
Select the number in the Encounters column.
Select the Encounter number to open the Encounter Dashboard