Modify a Charge

Modify a Charge

Modify a Charge

The Modify Charge screen is used to change or edit an existing Charge or Incomplete Charge. It is accessed from the Encounter Dashboard.

Change the Rendering Provider

If the Rendering Provider is modified on the Claim level, you have the option to change the Rendering on all the Line Items.

  • When the Charge screen is saved, a Validation Warning will display.

  • Select the checkbox for Update the Chargelines with the Rendering on this Charge.

  • Select Save & Continue.

Add a Copay on the Modify Charge Screen

If the Front Desk Users do not enter the Copays during check-in or check-out, they can be added on the Modify Charge Screen.

Reorder Diagnosis Codes

If the Diagnosis Codes need to be reordered and re-linked, this can be accomplished on the Modify Charge screen. 

Add a Note to the Procedure Line

If a Note needs to be added to the Procedure Line, this can be done by selecting the Procedure Line number on the Modify Charge screen.

  • The Note prints with the line item in Box 24 or on the ANSI SV202-7.
  • This is useful for injectibles or unlisted codes.

Fee Updates on the Modify Charge Screen

When updating an Insurance Profile on Encounters, a new panel for Fee Changes displays to the right of the selected Encounters. Columns for Current Fee and New Fee are displayed.

  • Fees will update automatically when switching Insurance Profiles.
  • There is an option to refuse the change of fees.
  • This is for Primary insurance ONLY.
  • If the Encounter is in a closed Period, the System will perform a Reverse for Modification automatically.
  • A Validation Warning will display when the Change Profile is saved.
  • Open Period: The following Encounters will have a Fee change.
  • Closed Period: The following Encounters are in a Closed Period and will be Reversed for Modification in order to complete the Fee change. These Encounters will not be able to be accessed until this process is complete.

Modify a Charge in a Closed Reference Batch

(Release 4.7)

If a Charge is in a Closed Reference batch, changes can be made without reopening or reattaching to the original Reference Batch.

  • This prevents forgetting to close a Reference Batch after it is has been reopened.
  • This feature is controlled by User Permissions: Admin > User Maintenance > Miscellaneous > Reference Batches > Modify in Closed Reference Batch.


  1. On the Encounter Dashboard, select Modify.

  1. Select Make Changes to this Encounter.
  2. Select the Procedure Line Number.

  1. Modify the Charge Line information.
  2. Select Save [F2].
  3. On the Modify Charge screen, select Save [F2].
  • If you do not Save the Modify Charge screen, the changes made on the Modify Charge Line screen will not be saved.

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