Custom Appointment Query (CAQ)
The Custom Appointment Query (CAQ) report can be customized to query Appointment information.
- This report can be used for:
- The CAQ is exportable to CSV, PDF, and Worklist.
Build the CAQ Report
Specific columns and filtering criteria can be used to build your custom report.
- There are four ways to access the CAQ:
- Enter CAQ in the Navigation Search field.

- Scheduling > Reports Panel > Custom Appointment Query

- Scheduling > Calendar > Checked in/Reports Tab > CAQ

- Reports > Scheduling panel > Custom Appointment Query

Add the Columns to Display on the CAQ
Use Columns to determine what data is displayed on the Report.
- From Reports on the Left Side Menu, choose Custom Appointment Query.
- One of the other methods listed above can also be used to access the CAQ.
- Select the Columns button to choose the columns to display on the report.

- The items that are selected will appear at the top of the Add/Modify Columns/Filters screen. You can choose to add these as Filters as well.
- Use the up and down arrows to move the Columns to the desired order.
- Select Save [F2]. Add Columns Video

Add the Filter Criteria
Filters narrow the search to populate the report with the exact data and will eliminate unwanted data.
- Add the Filter Criteria by using the Plus icon to the left of the And.

- Choose the Filter Criteria by using the Search field, the selected Columns, or from the list.

- Use the dropdown on each Filter to define the criteria further.

- Choose the criteria for your Filters.
- Totals By: Choose how to total the Report.
- Select Run. Add Filters Video

- Appointment - ID
- Patient - Name - Full - Last, First
- Patient - Address
- Patient - Address 2
- Patient - State
- Patient - Zip code
- Appointment - Next Appointment Date
- Filtered by Next Appointment Date: Greater than or equal to 05/01/22.

Save and Copy the Query
- Save and Copy the report by clicking the Save icon.
- Enter a Name for the Report.
- Check the Default box if you want to make this report your Default.
- If Default is selected, the Filter Criteria will automatically populate when the CAQ is accessed.
- Other Reports can still be saved if a Report is saved as a Default.
- Enter a Description.
- Select Share to copy this report to other users or roles.
- Share to: Select Users or Roles from the dropdown.
- Use the Plus icon to expand the Users or Roles to choose who you want to see this report.
- Choose Save to overwrite the current report; choose Save As New to create a new report.
- Click Save (F2).

Copy the Query Without Saving
- Use the Copy button to copy the report to other users
- Using the dropdown, choose a User.
- Select Save [F2].

Run an Eligibility Report using the Custom Appointment Query
Eligibility Statuses:
- Eligible
- Not Eligible
- N/A
- Self Pay
- Unknown
The output of this report mirrors the values seen on the Calendar.
- Batch Eligibility runs Primary Insurance Eligibility only.
There are two ways to work this Report:
- Use Ctrl + Click to open a new tab for the Patient Dashboard.
- Export the output to a Worklist.
Suggested Eligibility Report Filters

Run a No Show Report
If you want to run a No Show Report for a specific period:
- Select Appointment > Date
- Select Appointment > Status - Name or Status - ID
- Select the specific Filter Criteria:
- For Appointment - Date, select Date Span from the dropdown.
- Select the specific Date Span.
- For Appointment - Status - Name or Appointment - Status - ID
- Enter No Show for Name or select N from the dropdown for ID.
- Selections depend on your Status Setup.
No Show Report Example
- It is Monday, and you want to run a No Show Report for the previous Friday. Your office is open Monday through Friday and closed on Saturday and Sunday.
- For the Date Span, select Previous Weekday.
- The System logic will use Friday as the previous weekday.

Use the No Show Report in the Job Scheduler

Learn More
Scheduling Reports
Custom Query Reports Overview
Custom Query Report/Table Filters and Criteria
Create a Job to run a Custom Query Report
Reports Dashboard
Use Reporting Groups
My Reports