Appointment Types: Add/Delete/Expire

Appointment Types: Add/Delete/Expire

Create Appointment Types that are identical to the existing Appointment Types in the Clinical Documentation.

 Create an Appointment Type

  1. From the Scheduling Dashboard, click Scheduling Setup.

  2. Click the Types tab.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Type: Enter a short name for this Appointment Type (up to 10 alphanumeric characters). Examples: NP for New Patient, EP for Established Patient, SURG for Surgery, etc.

  5. Description. This will display on the Calendar for this Appointment Type.

  6. Duration. This will be the default length of an appointment, but it can be overridden during scheduling and on the individual Resources. The duration can be added in hours and minutes or minutes. For example, one hour can be entered as 60 or 1h

  7. Effective and Expiration Dates: New Appointments cannot be scheduled with this Appointment Type outside the effective and expiration date range. (Optional)

  8. Held By: Leave as Person unless you use group appointments.

  9. Person(s) Required: Uncheck for Types, such as Lunch or Block where no Patient information is required to schedule the appointment.

  10. Background Color: This will be the color of the this Appointment on the Calendar.

  11. Text Color: If a dark Background Color is selected, choose a light Text Color so it is easy to read. After you save, the Description column will reflect how the selections will display on the Calendar.

  12. Cancel colors: This controls the color of the text for appointments that have been cancelled making it easy to identify cancelled appointments on the calendar.

  13. Forms can be uploaded and attached to an Appointment Type, such as a Superbill and Recall Forms. If you do not want a form printed for a specific Appointment Type, leave this field blank.

  14. Click Save (F2).

 Other Fields on the Appointment Type Screen

  1. Block: Use Block to indicate appointments that are set up to 'block' time in the schedule, such as Meeting or Out of Office. An appointment that is designated with Block overrides the Max Concurrency of the Slot. For example, a Slot with a Max Concurrency of three appointments will be considered to have no availability if a Meeting (with Block selected) has been scheduled in that Slot.

  2. Exclude from ME Report: The Missing Encounters Report finds appointments that have not been linked to billable Encounters to ensure that all billable appointments have been billed. If this is a Status that indicates an appointment should not be considered as a billable visit, select the Exclude checkbox to keep the appointment from being reported on the Missing Encounter Report. Example: Exclude should be chosen for a Block or Lunch because neither would not be a billable.

  3. Attach Procedures: When selected, one or more Procedure Codes can be linked to this Appointment Type. The procedures would then automatically populate on a new Charge linked with an appointment scheduled with this Appointment Type.

Delete or Expire an Appointment Type   

An Appointment Type can be deleted only if it has not been used on an Appointment.
  • If the Delete button is grayed out, it cannot be deleted.

  • If you want to hide the Appointment Type to prevent choosing it, use the Expiration field to Expire it.



  • If the Appointment Type has not been used, highlight the line, and select the Delete button.


Prevent an Appointment Type from Printing a Form  

If you do not want a particular Appointment Type to Print a Form, such as, a Superbill or Fee Ticket, leave the form field blank.
  1. From Scheduling on the Left Side Menu, select the Scheduling Setup button.

  1. Select Type tab.

  2. Select the Appointment Type that you want to prevent printing the form.

  1. For Upload Superbill on the Modify Appointment Type screen, leave as No File Chosen.

    • If there is a form already chosen in that field, delete it.

  2. Select Save [F2].

Scheduling Schedule Setup > Types tab

The Appointment Types can be printed using the Export to CSV or PDF icons in the Filter Criteria panel.

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