Sliding Fee Schedule Setup and Overview

Sliding Fee Schedule Setup and Overview

To reduce the fee for the services of uninsured Patients, the option to use a Sliding Fee Schedule is available.

Internal Setting: Activate Sliding Fee Schedule. Ask Support or your Implementation Manager to add this Internal setting to activate this feature.

  • The setting above adds the Sliding Fee Schedule button to the Libraries screen.
  • Sliding Fees are based on the Federal Poverty Guidelines, which are updated annually.
  • The Charge amounts for services are determined based on the family's annual salary and the number of dependents in the family.
  • The fee can be a flat rate fee, a discount percentage of the usual Charge, or a discount fee amount.
  • Sliding fees are calculated at the individual Patient level
  • If a family has 4 family members which are all treated at the same practice, the sliding fee information must be added/updated for each Patient.
  • Percentage of the standard Charge.
  • Dollar Amount Discount: Subtract a specific amount from the Charge Fee.
  • Flat Rate Fee

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