To send an Employer to Collections, Employer Collections must be activated.
- Ask Support or your Implementation Manager to activate this feature.
Send an Employer to Pre-Collections
Before an Employer can be sent to Collections, it must first be added to Pre-Collections.
- Select Statements on the Left Side Menu.
- Select the Pre-Collections button on the bottom left of the Statements/Invoices Management Dashboard.
Pre-Collections Filter Criteria for Employers
- Employer/Guarantor ID/Name: Select specific Employers/TPAs.
- Collections Balance For: Employer will be the default if Employer Collections is activated.
- Separate By: Encounter is the default and must be selected to perform the Collections process.
Make an Employer Pre-Collections List
Before you Make a new list, make sure that all Set Actions have been applied.
- If you make a new list and select clear the current list, you will delete all Set Actions that have not been applied.
- Use the Select button to perform actions, such as Select/Unselect All.
Set Action
- Use the Set Action button to determine the action to be performed when the Apply Action button is used in the next step.
Apply Action
Warning: If you have several Actions Set, all will be Applied when Run is selected. The checkboxes on the Set Action line items do not work when using Apply Actions.
Send to Collections from the Encounter Dashboard
Use the To Collections button on the Encounter Dashboard.
Send to Collections from the Patient Dashboard
Use the Select Action dropdown on the Patient Dashboard to send to Collections from the Patient Dashboard.
Place the Pre-Collections List into Collections
Pre-Collections is a list used for sending Encounters to Collections.
Move to In Collections
The In Collection process puts the selected Encounters in Pre-Collections into Collections where a spreadsheet can be created to send to a Collection Agency.
Remove Multiple Encounters from the Collection List
This feature is for Employers only.
The ability to remove multiple Encounters en masse from the Collections List is can be a time saver for Employers.
- Remember that if Encounters have been sent to the Collection Agency, they cannot be removed.
- If the Encounters have already been sent to the Collection Agency, the Remove from Collections only removes it from this list.
- It is best practice not to remove Encounters from the In Collections list after sending to the Collection Agency.
For Internal Use Only: Setting for Employers to Collections