Self-Pay Fee Schedule

Self-Pay Fee Schedule

Release 4.7

A Self-Pay Fee Schedule(s) can be used as Self-Pay only, or you can use another Fee Schedule, such as an Insurance Fee Schedule, as your Self-Pay Fee Schedule.

  • There can be multiple Self-Pay Fee Schedules.

Add a Self-Pay Fee Schedule

  1. From Libraries, select the Fee/RVU Management button.
  2. On the Fee/RVU Management screen, select the Add button.
  3. Type: Select Charge Fees.
  4. Enter a Description, such as: Self-Pay Fee Schedule
  5. Enter an Effective Date.
  6. Select the checkbox for Self Pay.
  • This allows for the Fee Schedule to be used for Self-Pay and adds the ability to select it on the Charge Entry screen.
  • If you want this Fee Schedule to be used for Self Pay only, deselect all Insurances.
  1. Source:
  • Add Fees/RVUs Manually: Add the Fees manually.
  • This is used when there are a limited number of Procedure Codes being used.
  • Upload File: You can upload your own csv file.
  • Copy Existing: You can copy an existing Fee Schedule.
  • Relative To: Make a Self-Pay Fee Schedule that is Relative To an existing Charge Fee Schedule.
  • If the Fees on the Charge Fee Schedule are changed, the Self-Pay Fee Schedule will change accordingly.
  1. Copy Existing or Relative To: Select the Charge Fee Schedule to copy or link to.
  2. Increase By: Increase or Decrease the Fee by a Percentage or Dollar Amount.
  3. Enter the percentage or dollar amount to increase or decrease the Fee.
  • Use a negative number to decrease.
  1. Round Up: None, Nearest Dollar, or Nearest Dime.

  1. Select the Billing Providers and Facilities this Self-Pay Fee Schedule applies to.
  2. Uncheck all Insurances unless you are using this Fee Schedule for Insurances as well.
  3. Uncheck All Plans.
  1. Select Save [F2].

AlertFor the Self-Pay Fee schedule to work, Self-Pay must be added as a Profile in Insurance Management on the Patient.

Use an Existing Charge Fee Schedule as a Self-Pay Fee Schedule

Select an existing Charge Fee Schedule to also use as a Self-Pay Fee Schedule.

  1. Select the Modify icon on an Existing Charge Fee Schedule.
  2. Select the Self-Pay checkbox.
  3. Select Save [F2[.

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