Reconcile Reference Batch Receipts

Reconcile Reference Batch Receipts

  1. Reference Batches can be used to reconcile your receipts.

  2. Compare the Receipts column with the Payments column. The Receipts column represents the amount that was entered when the receipt was created, and the Payment column represents the posted amount (applied to an encounter).

  3. If the Patient Receipts are entered in one batch but are posted (applied) by the biller in another batch, you will need to compare the Receipt batch with the Payment column in the Charge batch where the payments were posted.

Use the Receipts Column and Payments Column to Reconcile Reference Batches

  • Compare the Receipts and Payment columns.

    • Reference Batch 541 is balanced.

    • Reference Batch 540 is not balanced.

    • Receipts entered in one Reference Batch, but posted in the Charge Reference Batch.

  • If the Reference Batch does not balance, click the Item number to open the Batch Details to see amounts left in Escrow.

  • If nothing is left in Escrow, all Receipts have been posted. Any receipts that are in Escrow must be posted.

  • Run the Reference Batch Reports view the Reference Batch where the Receipt was posted.

Use the Reference Total to Reconcile the Insurance Reference Batches

  • Enter the total of the Insurance check when creating the Reference Batch.

  • When finished posting, if the Reference Batch does balance, it will be highlighted in yellow on the Reference Batch List.


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