Post as Note on Manually Posted Payment (Denials)

Post as Note on Manually Posted Payment (Denials)

Post as Note on Manually Posted Payment (Denials)

When a zero payment is received for one or more line items, the zero payment can be posted for information only without writing it off.

  • Use the Post as Note checkbox or enter NOTE in the Other Code field on the Post Insurance Payments screen to display on the Line Items on the Encounter Dashboard.

Use the Post as Note Checkbox

  1. Post any paid line items as usual.
  2. On the line item(s) that denied, select the Post as Note checkbox.
  3. Enter 0.00 for Paid amount.
  4. Remove amounts in CO45, PR3, PR1, and PR2 fields.
  5. Enter the denial code in the Other Code field.
  6. Enter the Balance amount in the Other Amount field.
  7. In the Note field, enter a Note that you want to display on the Encounter Dashboard.
  8. Balance To: Automatically defaults to Leave Balance.
  9. To Worklist: Select the Custom Worklist (CW) where you want to send this to be worked.
  10. Select Save [F2].

Use the "Other Code" Field

  1. Post any paid line items as usual.
  2. Enter 0.00 for Paid amount.
  3. Remove amounts in CO45, PR3, PR1, and PR2 fields.
  4. On the line item(s) that denied, enter the word NOTE in the Other Code Field.
  5. Enter the Balance amount in the Other Amount field.
  6. In the Note field, enter the CARC code used on the Remit plus a Note that you want to display on the Encounter Dashboard. Example:
  • Other Code: NOTE
  • Other Amount: $253.00 (amount that the Insurance did not pay)
  • Note: CO50 Denied for Medical Necessity (CARC code plus any additional information to display on the Encounter Dashboard).
  1. Balance To: Automatically defaults to Leave Balance.
  2. To Worklist: Select the Custom Worklist (CW) where you want to send this to be worked.
  3. Select Save [F2].

Post as Note and Post Note on the Encounter Dashboard

To display the Payment Posting Notes on the line items on the Encounter Dashboard, the checkboxes must be selected. If there are no notes the option to display the Notes will not be an option.

  • Include Posted as Note (3)
  • This is the option that displays when the Post As Note checkbox is selected during Manual Payment Posting.
  • In the Balance panel, select the Include Posted as Note checkbox.
  • Include Notes (4):
  • This option displays when entering NOTE the Other Code Field is selected during Manual Payment Posting.
  • In the Balance panel, select the Include Notes checkbox.

View the Notes on the Line Item on the Encounter Dashboard

  • Expand the Transactions using the plus symbol.

Post as Note on Manually Posted Payment (Denials)

Learn More

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