Find Claims/Encounters Billed on Monthly PM Invoice

Find Claims/Encounters Billed on Monthly PM Invoice

Find Claims/Encounters Billed on Monthly PM Invoice

Per Claim

Use the Encounter by Status Report to balance the number of Claims submitted with the invoiced number of Claims. Use the following Filter values to find the Claims on your PM Invoice:

  1. Date Type: Moved to Status
  2. Date Span: Previous Month
  • If the Invoice is not from the previous month, select Date Range in the Date Span dropdown and enter a From and To date.
    • From: First day of the invoiced month.
    • To: Last day of the invoiced month.
  1. Status: SP (Sent to Payer)
  2. Check the Include Historical Statuses checkbox.

Per Encounter

Use the Custom Encounter Query to balance the number of Encounters with the invoiced number of Encounters. Use the following Filter values to find the Encounters on your PM Invoice:

  1. Encounter - Added Date: Greater than or equal to first day of the month.
  2. Encounter - Added Date: Less than or equal to the last day of the month.
  3. Encounter - Is Reversed: No
  4. Encounter - Is Test: No
  5. Procedure - Is Billable: Yes

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