Employer/Attorney Dashboard

Employer/Attorney Dashboard

Employer/Attorney Dashboard

Libraries > Employers/Attorneys > Select the ID

Employer/Attorney Panel

  • An Invoice Receipt can be by selecting the Add button.
  • An Invoice Receipt can be modified by selecting the Invoice number.
  • Select the Ledger link to print an Employer/Attorney Ledger.

Linked TPAs Panel

  • Shows all the TPAs (Has TPA) linked to the Employer.
  • TPA: The TPA ID link displays the TPA record in a new tab.
  • Employer: Name of the TPA.
  • CPTs®: Shows the billable CPTs® for the TPA.
  • Expiration: Shows the Expired date that was entered on the Add/Modify Employer/Attorney screen.

Pateints Linked to Employer Panel

This is a list of Patients that are linked to this Employer.

  • Select the Patient number to navigate to the Patient's Dashboard.

Statement/Invoice/Notification History Panel

  • Batch column: Select the Batch ID to display the Invoice Batch Dashboard.
  • Invoice ID: Batch#EMEmployer# (1112EM2)
  • Employer ID: When selected, the Employer/Attorney Dashboard displays.
  • The View link is displayed for Employers where Is TPA is chosen from the TPA dropdown.
  • TPA columnGreen checkmark indicates that this is a TPA (Is TPA).
  • Select the Encounter ID in the Previously Billed column to display the Encounter Dashboard.

Cross Codes and Employer/Attorney IDs Panels

UsinCross Codes and Insurance/Provider IDs allows tweaks to be made to the Claim Output based on the Insurance, Provider(s), Facility(ies), and/or Procedure(s). Contact Support for usage.

Employer/Attorney Ledger

More information may be requested than is on the Invoice. The Employer/Attorney Ledger can be used to provide additional information.

  • Select the Ledger link at the top of the Employer/Attorney Dashboard.
  • Employer/TPA: The Employer Ledger can be run by the Employer or TPA.
  • Patient: Run the Ledger by Patient.
  • Billing Office: Select the Billing Office, if applicable
  • Date Span: Select a Date Range by entering the DOS From and To Dates or select a more specific time period where the DOS From and To will complete depending on your choice.

Filter Choices

  • Procedure Code
  • Procedure Code Reporting Group
  • Billing
  • Billing Reporting Group
  • Rendering
  • Rendering Reporting Group
  • Facility
  • Facility Reporting Group

Options (checkboxes)

Each one of these creates a section on the Ledger if selected.

  • Billing Info
  • Employer Info
  • Include TPAs
  • Account Summary
  • Aging
  • Receipts
  • Unpaid Visits
  • Invoices
  • Encounters
  • Patient Name

Attach Note

  • A note can be entered to print on the Ledger.

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