- The imported file must be a .csv or .txt file.
Upload the CSV File
It is strongly recommended that Users pin the HL7 Interface panel to their Home Dashboard for ease of access.
- On the Interface screen, select the Upload Messages button to access the CSV Import Dashboard.
- Select the Upload File button to open the CSV Import window.
- Select the Import Profile.
- Always import Demographics before importing Charges.
- Select the .csv or .txt file.
- Select the Edit Columns button and use the Column Settings screen to adjust the mapping.
- Select Save [F2] when finished.
- Select Parse File.
- The System will check the file for errors or warnings.
- The summary will display the total number of errors.
- Select Create Charges or Create Patients to Import the data into the System.
CSV Import Dashboard
Interface > Upload Messages
The table on the CSV Import Dashboard shows a list of files that have been imported and provides the User with multiple ways to interact with the file.
- Use the Import Dashboard to Upload a File, Edit Import Profiles, or view information about a previously uploaded file.
Import Dashboard Columns:
- File: The file is available to download for 30 days.
- Log: A log file is generated if there was a problem with the SFTP import.
- The file can be downloaded to review the errors.
- Undo: The file can be undone.
- Charge Imports can only be undone if no modifications have been made to the Charge.
- Patient Imports can only be undone if no Payments, Charges, or Appointments exist for the Patient.
- Redo: Available for SFTP Imports if a new version of the file has been loaded into the SFTP for an errored file.
- Name: Displays the name of the Imported File.
- Type: Displays the Import Type.
- Items: Opens the Upload Items screen.
- The Upload Items screen details the Patients/Charges that were imported.
- Select an underlined number to view these items.
- Status: Shows if the file is processed, unprocessed, errored, processing, or reprocessing.
- Interface: Displays the Interface that is tied to the Import.
- User: Records the User that initiated the Import.
- Added: Displays the date and time the import was uploaded.
Edit Columns
The Edit Columns button is found on the CSV Upload screen.
- Interfaces > Upload Messages button > Edit Columns button
- To activate the Edit columns button, select the Import Profile and select the file.
Edit Columns when:
- The file is unable to match the System's File Schema.
- The prefixes and values may need to be updated.
- An aspect of the file is being changed going forward.
To edit or update these values, select the Edit Columns button.
- On the Column Settings screen, the User can change the Mapping methods and assign the appropriate header values.
Edit Columns: Demographics
- Parser Information Panel: Do not use. For Internal purposes only.
- Prefixes Panel: Assigns File prefixes to allow the System to identify the Patient, Guarantor, and Policyholder data points within the file.
- The prefixes are appended before the record type in the Column header.
- Example: Patient_First_Name
- Demographics Panel: Assigns the record type values.
- Record type values come after the prefix in the column header.
- Example: Patient_First_Name
- Relationships/Insurance Panel: Assigns additional record types.
- This panel usually assigns the relationship field and policyholder information.
- Custom Field Panels: A Custom Field must be created to import custom information.
- Custom Fields can be mapped in the dropdowns.
Edit Columns: Charges