The Import Tool can import Demographics, Charges, Balances, and Appointments into the PM System.
It is strongly recommended that Users pin the HL7 Interface panel to their Home Dashboard for ease of access.
Interface > Upload Messages
The table on the CSV Import Dashboard shows a list of files that have been imported and provides the User with multiple ways to interact with the file.
Import Dashboard Columns:
The Edit Columns button is found on the CSV Upload screen.
Edit Columns when:
To edit or update these values, select the Edit Columns button.
What does a Client do with the A/R from their old (Legacy) System?
Recommended Best Practice:
Clients should focus their attention on the Insurance A/R in their Legacy System.
Their goal is to work rejections/denials/unpaid claims and resubmit them from their Legacy System.
Once the Claims are adjudicated, the balance transfers to Patient A/R.
When most of the Claims have been worked in the Legacy System, a Balance Forward Import can be done to import the balances into the New System.
Insurance and/or Patient A/R can be imported.
This minimizes the need to send Patient Statements out of 2 systems simultaneously, which can be costly and time-consuming.
Use the documentation above with the specifics:
Use the Templates for Pat Bal Forward or Ins Bal Forward depending on the import.
For Patient Balance Forward, create a Procedure Code, PATBALFWD selecting the Patient for Billable.
For Insurance Balance Forward, create a Procedure Code, INSBALFWD selecting Yes for Billable.
Client can use actual CPTs if needed for Insurance.
Create Diagnosis Code, MISC to use for DX1, or existing Diagnosis codes can be used.
Interface > Upload Messages
OR go to Interface > Incoming Messages
Results of Recycling: