Create a Custom Query Report

Create a Custom Query Report

Create a Custom Query Report

Select the Columns

Choose the Columns to display on the Report Output.

  1. Select the Columns button.

  1. Enter search word(s) in the Search field; or
  2. Use the Plus symbols to open a specific category.
  3. Select the columns.
  • As you select columns, they will show in the Reorder Columns pane on the left.
  1. In the Selected Columns panel, deselect any items that are not needed as Columns.
  2. Rename the Columns Headings to appear as you want them on the report.
  3. Use the up-down arrow in the Reorder panel to drag and drop the columns to change how they will display on the report.
  4. Select Save (F2).

Select the Filters

  1. Select the Plus symbol beside "And" to add Filters.

  1. Use the Select Columns Panel to select a Filter to define the outcome of the Report; or
  • Select the checkboxes from the lists below the Select Columns Panel.
  1. Repeat Step 1 and 2 until all pertinent Filters have been selected.

Or use the checkboxes to select the Filters under the specific categories.

  1. Enter or choose the Criteria for the Filters.
  2. Select the Run button.


Use a Date Range

In the Filter Criteria panel:

  1. Select the Plus icon.
  2. Select Procedure - DOS from the Selected Columns Panel or from the list.
  • Repeat steps 1 and 2.

  1. For the first Date, choose Greater than or equal to.
  2. Enter the start date.
  3. For the second Date, choose Less than or equal to.
  4. Enter the end date.
  5. Select Run after you have finished choosing all of your criteria.

Run a Self-Pay Patient Report using the Query Reports 

  1. Select the Plus button before AND.
  2. Select Insurance (1) - ID.

  1. For Policy - Insurance(1) - ID, select Equals.
  2. Enter the word, Patient, in the Lookup field.
  3. Select Run after all other criteria have been chosen.

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