Cases and Authorization Overview

Cases and Authorization Overview


Cases hold information to use for a patient's episode of care, generally for multiple Encounters and Appointments. Common uses include Authorizations, Workers Compensation, Hospitalizations, OB, DME, Accidents, and Pre-certifications which includes the corresponding Insurance Profiles.

Cases can be added from the Patient Dashboard, the Calendar, and Charge entry.

Cases and Authorizations

  • Patient Dashboard: Click the Cases link in the Balance Panel, and then click Add.

  • Charge Entry: When adding or modifying a charge, click the dropdown beside Case and choose Add New.

  • Appointment Schedule: when scheduling an appointment. Click the dropdown beside Case and choose Add New .

Accident Information 

Accident Information is required for Workers Comp Claims. There are also other times this information is used.


  • Employment: checks Yes in Box 10a adds EM to ANSI Loop 2300.

  • Auto Accident: Checks Yes in Box 10badds AA GA to Loop 2300.

  • Other Accident: Checks Yes in Box 10c and OA Loop 2300.

  • Employment and Auto Accident: Checks Yes in Boxes 10a and 10b and adds EM AA GA to Loop 2300.

Learn More

  1. Add Cases and Authorizations

  1. Add an Authorization Number without a Case

  1. Add an Authorization to a Case using Countdown

  1. Use Authorization without an Authorization Number

  1. Add a Case to an Appointment

  1. Add a Case for Workers Comp

  2. Delete a Case

  1. Skilled Nursing Facility Case

  1. Case Contacts

  1. New or Custom Case Types

  1. Add a CPT to a Case

  1. Cases for PCP Authorization

  1. Validation Error: The Insurance Profile on the Case ....

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