Assign a Procedure Code to an Appointment Type

Assign a Procedure Code to an Appointment Type

Add a Procedure Code to an Appointment Type when you want a specific Procedure Code(s) to always populate on a Charge.

  • When the Appointment is linked on the Post Charge screen, the assigned Procedure Code(s) will auto-populate.
  • This is specifically designed for single providers where Charges are manually entered routinely.
  • It is not designed to work on imported Charges from an EMR or Import Tool.
  • One or more Procedure Codes can be linked to an Appointment Type. There is a one-to-many correlation: 1 Appointment = the Procedures that are assigned to that Appointment Type.
  • Example: A mammogram appointment has been scheduled for a Patient.
  • Procedure Codes 77066 and 77062 are assigned to the Appointment Type, MAMO.
  • On the Post Charge screen when the Mamo Appointment is linked manually or automatically, the Procedure Codes 77066 and 77062 will auto-populate on the Post Charge screen.
  • This cannot be used for a many-to-one correlation: When three  Appointments with Procedure Codes assigned to each one of them are linked on the Post Charge screen, only the Procedure Code(s) assigned to one of those  linked Appointments will populate on the Post Charge screen.
  • Example: A patient has 3 Appointments on the same day.
  • Mammogram (77066 and 77062) at 8:00 AM
  • Ultrasound (76641) at 8:30 AM
  • Pelvic (76856 & 76830) at 9:00 AM
  • When the three Appointments are linked on the Charge Entry screen, only the Mammogram Procedure Codes will populate.

Add a Procedure Code to Appointment Type

  1. In Schedule Setup, choose the Types tab.
  2. Click Add or select an Appointment Type to update it.

  1. Click the Attach Procedures box.
  2. Click the Add link in the Procedures panel.

  1. Choose the Procedure Code.
  2. These fields will auto populate from the setup in the Procedure Code Library but can be changed here.
  • Default Units
  • Fee
  • Modifiers
  • Billable
  1. Click Save.

  1. Click Save.

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