- Check the expanded Patient Dashboard to verify the Opt In and Opt Out preferences.
- Patients that were registered before Appointment Reminders were enabled will not be Opted In automatically.
- Contact Support if Patients need to be opted-in or out en masse.
- Verify that the Preferred Contact information was populated for the Reminder.
- On the Reminder Template, compare the Appointment details and necessary Appointment Reminder criteria.
- The Appointment Type, Facility, and Resource(s) must ALL match between the Appointment and Template for the Reminder to be delivered.
- Example: The Template is set to all Appointment Types, all Resources, and Facility A. The Appointment is scheduled for Facility B. The Reminder will not be delivered.
Reminders Errored Out/Queuing Error
- Hover over the Error to view the Error Message. Contact Support for the following errors:
- 502 Bad Gateway: The service was unavailable when the Notification was scheduled to be sent.
SMS Text Response for "Cancel Appointment" Opts Patient Out
- The SMS Text Response for a Cancelled Appointment should explain that the Appointment has been cancelled.
- Example: We have noted the canellation.
- If this message Opts the Patient out, contact Support.
- Example: You have been Opted Out of text reminders.
Test Delivery
Schedule > Reminder Setup > Test Delivery
- Test Delivery: Used to test and view future Appointment Reminders
- A test Appointment should be created to test the delivery.
- Send Now/Send All Now: Sends immediately if the date/time is in the future.
- An Appointment in the past can only be tested in the Status of the original Appointment matches the Template.
Fee for Greater Than 160 Characters on an SMS Message
- SMS messages (up to 160 characters) will be sent as one message.
- SMS messages that exceed 160 characters will be sent in multiple messages of up to 153 characters each.
- Additional message parts are billed at 50% of the first transaction fee.
Reminder Sent with an Attached Meeting Link
- Meeting links are only sent for Telehealth Appointments.
- If a meeting link is sent for a non-Telehealth Appointment, check the Delivery Template and make corrections.
Duplicate and/or Missing Reminders
- Missing Reminders: Verify that the Templates are associated with the correct Appointment Type, Facility, etc.
- Duplicate Reminders: If the Template is set up for ALL Appointment Types, ensure that the Patient is not receiving the duplicate Reminder from a more specific Template.
- Example: The Patient received two Appointment Reminders for a Telehealth Appointment.
- The Clinic has two Appointment Reminder Templates: All Appointment Types and Telehealth.
- Therefore, the Patient's Telehealth Appointment applies to both Templates, and they will receive duplicate Reminders.