Add a Recall to a Patient

Add a Recall to a Patient

A Patient can be added to the Recall List on the Patient Dashboard in the Patient Appointment panel or on the Appointment screen.

If a Patient has one or more Open Recalls, they can be viewed while scheduling an Appointment.

Add a Recall

On the Recalls screen:
  1. Click Add.
  1. Add a Recall Date.
  2. Appointment Type: Use the dropdown to choose the Appointment Type. This is useful when running a Recall report for a specific Appointment Type. (Optional)
  3. Ordering Provider: (Optional)
  4. Facility: (Optional)
  5. Resource: (Optional)
  6. Note: Add specifics about the Recall.
  7. Select Save [F2].

Delete a Recall

A Recall can be deleted if it is no longer needed.
  1. Open the Recalls screen using the link on the Patient Dashboard.

  1. Click on the line to highlight it.
  2. Click the Delete button.
  3. Add a Reason for deleting.
  4. Click Delete.

Indicate an Appointment Completes a Recall List Appointment

  • When creating a new Appointment, you are presented with a Validation Warning popup window.
  • If the new Appointment completes the Recall, select the checkbox which will remove the Patient from the Recall list.
  • Click Save and Continue.

Recall Query Report

The Recall Query Report Is found on the Scheduling Dashboard.

 If the Recall is resolved while scheduling an appointment, the recall is removed and is no longer on the report.

Automate Recall Reminders

Recall Reminders are a Premium Add-On Feature. Contact Support or your Account Manager for more information.

Recalls can be automated in Patient Outreach.

  • Create Recall Templates to send Recall Reminders to Patients automatically.
  • If the Recall Criteria on the Patient matches the Recall Criteria in the Recall Template, the Recall Reminder will be sent.

Learn More

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