Access Your Invoices/Setup ACH Payment

Access Your Invoices/Setup ACH Payment

 Only Users designated as Site Admins can view the Billing Invoices. This Permission can be removed from the Site Admin as well.

Access Your Invoices

  1. Go to the Admin Dashboard.
  2. Select Invoices.

  1. Select View to see a specific Invoice.

  1. The PDF of the Invoice can be downloaded or printed.

Set Up ACH Payment

You can Add and Update your own ACH information when making an Invoice Payment.

  • This simplifies the collection of Payment Information, saving you time.
  • It improves security by removing the need for the client to share their account information.

Add an ACH Payment Method

  1. From Admin on the left menu, select Invoices in the Billing panel.
  2. Select the Manage ACH button.

  1. Select the Add button.
  2. Complete the Fields.
  3. Select Save [F2].

Edit an ACH Payment Method

When the information is stored, the banking information fields are locked and cannot be edited.

  • Only the last 4 digits of your bank account are visible.
  • The Account Nickname, Account Type, and the Effective Date can be edited.
  • Select the Edit icon to make changes to these fields.

If you need to change the banking information, add a new ACH account with a new Effective Date.

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