Reporting FAQs
Reporting FAQs A/R (Account Receivables) How do I work my A/R? Contains vs Includes What is the difference between Contains and Includes when Filtering? Contains: Looks at any part of the value. Example: A Patient has the last name Shoemaker. The ...
POPS FAQs/Troubleshooting
Does POPS send Receipts via Email or Text after a Payment is made? POPS can send Receipts via email if the option is selected in POPS Management. How can a Patient manually print a POPS Receipt? On the POPS Account Dashboard, select the Receipts ...
Workers Comp FAQs
Workers Comp FAQs Where do I enter the Accident Date?
Cases, Authorizations, and Referral FAQs
Cases, Authorizations, and Referral FAQs Where do I add an Accident Date on a Case?
Charge/Claim FAQs
Charge/Claim FAQs Attachments How do I indicate there is attached paperwork? Attending What is an Attending Physician? An Attending Physician is the one who is responsible for the overall care of a Patient in a hospital or clinical setting. When is ...
Payment/Receipt FAQs
Payment/Receipt FAQs Adjustments/CARC Codes How can I Post additional Adjustments? How can I remove a PR code that was posted in Error? How can I Post a PR Code instead of a CO code? How do I Post a CO45 on a Secondary Payment? Balance Transfer Why ...
ERA FAQs Archived ERAs How do I Archive ERAs? Update an ERA's File Status Where do I find Archived ERAs? Status Credit Cards When will the ERA be generated if the Patient pays with a Virtual Credit Card? The ERA 835 File will not be generated until ...
Scheduling/Calendar FAQs
Scheduling/Calendar FAQs Appointments How do I Register a Patient? How do I schedule an Appointment? How do I Modify an Appointment? How do I see the Patient's Last Appointment? What is the Check-in/Check-out Workflow? How do I add a new Appointment ...
Statement/Invoice FAQs
Statement/Invoice FAQs Balance Forward on Statements/Invoices How do I show/exclude Balance Forward on Statements? How do I show/exclude Balance Forward on Invoices? Delete a Statement Batch How do I delete a Statement Batch? How do I upload a ...
User FAQs
User FAQs Calendar Why is the red line on the Calendar not on the current time? In your User Profile, specifically select your Time Zone instead of using Computer Time. In User Maintenance, select the User and change the Time Zone to your specific ...
Anesthesia Billing FAQs
Anesthesia Billing Setup How do I set up Anesthesia Billing? Anesthesia Billing Resources Concurrency Why is Anesthesia billed using Concurrency? Concurrency Reports are necessary for Anesthesia services that are provided by CRNAs. Many states ...
Form and Superbill FAQs
Forms and Superbills FAQs ABN Form What is an ABN Form? An Advance Beneficiary Notice of Non-coverage (ABN) is a form that informs Original Medicare Patients that Medicare might not cover a specific service or item. Form Fields What are the fields ...
Terms and Concepts FAQs
Terms and Concepts FAQs Anesthesia How do I add Anesthesia Time Unit Settings? Appointments Why does the Appointment Reason not display in the Appointment Slot? Attending What is an Attending Physician? An Attending Physician is the one who is ...
Patient FAQs
Patient FAQs Alert/Header How do I remove an Alert or Header? Cases How do I add a Case? Charges How do I post a new Charge? Debit/Credit Cards: How do I add a Debit/Credit Card? Deceased How do I indicate that a Patient is deceased? How do I ...
Test FAQs
Eligibility FAQs Why is my Eligibility Verify button grayed out? If the Verify button is gray, there is a reason that Eligibility could not be checked. Hover over the Verify button to see the reason. Example: "This payer may not participate in ...
Enrollment FAQs
Enrollment FAQs Enrollments How do I create an Enrollment? Why is my Enrollment Packet not downloading?
Support Ticket Portal FAQs
Support Ticket Portal FAQs Why does the View Ticket button not work in my email? When I select the View Ticket button, I get this message: It looks like your user has not been authenticated to access the ticket portal. The Database login credentials ...
Insurance FAQs
Insurance FAQs Different Insurance How do I transfer/move a Charge/Encounter to another carrier/payer/insurance? How do I change a Secondary Insurance to the Primary? How do I change a policy number, group number, or group name on an Insurance ...
iDology Direct Scanning FAQs
iDology Direct Scanning FAQs Answer the following questions for the Troubleshooting process: What Make and Model is your scanning device? Is the driver on your device up to date? Do you have another scanner that you can try? What Web Browser are you ...
Billing/Rendering/Referring Provider FAQs
Billing/Rendering/Referring Provider FAQs Where do I add the Provider's Medicaid number? Billing/Rendering Provider: The Medicaid number is added on the Billing/Rendering Provider screen in the Licensure/Credentialing panel. (Libraries > ...
Tag FAQs
Does the Hold Guarantor Tag Attribute affect all Patients connected to the Guarantor? If Hold Guarantor is selected on a Tag, all Encounters attached to the Guarantor will be held. If there are several Patients that are attached to the Guarantor, no ...
Notification FAQs and Troubleshooting
Appointment Reminders are not being Sent Existing Patients need to be Opted In. Once Appointment Reminders are turned on for a database, the existing Patients need to be Opted In. Admin > Notification Preferences button > Appointment Reminders Panel ...
FAQs Overview
Anesthesia Billing FAQs Charge FAQs Demographic FAQs Eligibility FAQs Encounter/Visit FAQs Encounter by Status FAQs ERA FAQs Form and Superbill FAQs iDology Direct Scanning FAQs Job Scheduler FAQs Patient FAQs Payment FAQs Permission FAQs and ...
Encounter/Visit FAQs
Encounter FAQs How do I find a Patient's Visits/Encounters? Actions Panel How do I Modify a Charge? How do I transfer an Encounter Balance to a Patient? How do I place an Encounter in Collections? How do I adjust my System Settings to Split ...
Eligibility FAQs
Eligibility FAQs Why is my Eligibility Verify link grayed out? If the Verify button is gray, there is a reason that Eligibility could not be checked. Hover over the Verify button to see the reason. Example: "This payer may not participate in ...
Pre-Collections/Collections FAQs
Pre-Collections/Collections FAQs Do Encounters in Pre-Collections get billed? If the Guarantor meets the requirements to receive a Statement and has Encounters that are not in Pre-Collections, then the Encounters that are in Pre-Collections will be ...
Demographic FAQs
Demographic FAQs Why is the Sub-Ethnicity box unavailable? The Sub-Ethnicity box only opens when Hispanic or Latino is selected in the Ethnicity dropdown. How do I edit a Patient's Demographic Information if it was incorrectly entered? Patient ...
Permission FAQs and Examples
Permission FAQs and Examples Permissions that are not checked will appear with yellow highlighting. If you search for a Permission, such as, Overbooking, the Permission will be highlighted in green. Overbooking Permission Allow Overbooking controls ...
Job Scheduler FAQs
What is the Job Scheduler? The Job Scheduler is used to run scheduled tasks and reports, such as Batch Eligibility. How do I know that my job has failed? If a Job has failed: It will be in the list of Jobs notated as Failed. In the Encounter by ...
Encounter by Status FAQs
Claims are stuck in the Ready for Submission Status The most common reason is that the Reference Batch is not closed. Check the Reference Batch to see if it is closed. If it is still open, it must be closed before the Claim will be batched. On the ...