Fee/RVU Management Library
Fee/RVU File Formatting and Resources
All Fee and RVU Schedules can be created in the Fee/RVU Management Library. The following resources can be found on the CMS website. Physicians Fee Schedule: https://www.cms.gov/apps/physician-fee-schedule/license-agreement.aspx#TopOfPage ...
Fee/RVU Management
Add Charge Fee, Allowed Fee, and RVU Schedules If the Items Number is 0, there is a problem with the file that was uploaded. Reference the File Formatting Guidelines to ensure a successful upload. The Procedure Code must exist in the Procedure Code ...
Relative Value Units (RVUs)
RVUs are used to measure the amount of work a physician does, which is often used for to calculate a provider's compensation. Examples: Office visit, colonoscopy performed, or gallbladder surgery. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) ...
Self-Pay Fee Schedule
Release 4.7 A Self-Pay Fee Schedule(s) can be used as Self-Pay only, or you can use another Fee Schedule, such as an Insurance Fee Schedule, as your Self-Pay Fee Schedule. There can be multiple Self-Pay Fee Schedules. Add a Self-Pay Fee Schedule From ...