Statements Batch Dashboard

Statements Batch Dashboard

Statements Batch Dashboard

Actions Panel

  • View Batch Items link: List of all the Statements in a specific Statement Batch.
  • Upload: Select to upload a Statement Batch.
  • Rerun BatchUse this to update the Statement Batch Totals after making changes to the items in the Batch, such as, applying copays.
    • Note: Rerun only affects the Batch Totals on the Statement Batch Dashboard.
    • The Balances on each Statement/Invoice are automatically recalculated when the Batch is Uploaded.
  • Preview/Print: Select to Preview or Print the Statements in the batch. The Statement format will not be the same as your uploaded Statements. When the Statement Department processes the Statements, the format will change to the view of the Statement that the Patient receives.
  • Notifications: Premium Add-on
  • Upload Test File: Used to send a test batch while in Training.

Summary Panel

Date/TimeStatus, and User for a specific Statement Batch.

  • Created
  • Uploading
  • Accepted
  • Mailed
  • Number of Statements, Patients, and Encounters
  • Balance Forward Amount
  • New Balance
  • Self Pay Discount Amount
  • Total Amount
  • Current Balance

Aging Details Panel

The Aging Counts update as Encounters in the Batch are paid. The Dunning and Statement counts reflect the billed Encounters in the batch that still have Patient Responsibility.

Displays the Aging Details for a specific Statement Batch by Encounter Count or Dollar Amount.

  • Dunning: How many Encounters or Dollar Amounts that fall into each Dunning Count category.
  • Statements: How many Statements or Dollar Amounts were sent for the first time, second time, etc.
  • Aging: How many Encounters or Dollar Amounts fall into each Aging category from Current to greater than or equal to 121 days.
  • Graph: When Dollar Amount is chosen, the Graph displays Statement Count, Dunning Count, and Dollar Amount.

Example By Dollar Amount:

Run Log Panel

The Run Log provides detailed run information on the reasons why Encounters did not batch or were removed from the Statement Batch.

Preview Panel

The Preview displays a condensed view of every Encounter for each Guarantor in the Statement Batch.

  • Guarantor ID
  • Due Date
  • Patient ID and Encounter number
  • Patient Name and address
  • Dates of Service
  • CPT® Codes with descriptions
  • Diagnosis Codes with descriptions
  • Aging Categories
  • Dunning Message

Dashboard Controls Panel

Changes made on the Statement Batch Dashboard can be retained by selecting the Save Current View link.

  • Example: Expand the Run Log by selecting the Plus icon. Select Save Current View, and the next time the Statement Batch Dashboard is opened, the Run Log will still be expanded.

Statement Preview/Print

A Statement or Statement batch can be Previewed and/or Printed from the System.

  • Select the Preview/Print button to display the Statement(s) before the Statement or Statement Batch is uploaded and processed using the Statement Services.

  • If Statement Services are not being used, a batch of Statements can be printed from the System using the Print/Preview button.

    • Select the Print icon to locally print Statements.

See the difference below between the System created Statements and the Statements created by Statements Services.

Example of a Statement Preview after it is uploaded and processed using the Statement Services:

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