Staff Productivity Report

Staff Productivity Report

The Staff Productivity report shows User activity for basic functions in the System. It gives high level statistical information, such as, the number of Appointments booked by a specific User.

  • Group By: The Report can be grouped by User or by Function.

  • User ID
  • One or multiple Users can be included or excluded using the Lookup Icon.

  • If left blank, the report will include All Users.

If the Database where the report is being generated is linked to a Master Database, the Users data will include information across all Databases linked to the Master.

The specific information entered can be found in the Change Log, such as specific Patients or Appointments.


  • Registration includes new Patients only.
  • Appointments created by User.
  • Notes contains the count of all billing Notes that were added on the Patient or Encounter Dashboards.
  • Charges includes New Charges only.
  • The Incomplete Charges (DFTs) that are received via an Interface are credited to HL7.
  • Includes reversed Encounters in both the count and Charge totals
  • Charges ($) displays total dollar amount of the Charge column.
  • Charges Completed is the count of Charges that are completed by a specific User.
  • Charges Completed $ displays the total dollar amount of the Charge Completed column.
  • Payments: By User per individual transaction (multiples can exist on a Receipt)
  • Based on Reporting Group Payment which includes IP/PP
  • Payments posted using the Apply button or one of the dropdown functions on the Remit screen is credited to ERA/User. Example: ERA/CSMITH.
  • It does not include when Post Manual or Post Expert is used on an ERA.
  • Payments $ displays the total dollar amount of the Payments column.
  • Adjustments reports the number of Adjustments done by each User.
  • Adjustments posted using the Apply button or one of the dropdown functions on the Remit screen are credited to ERA/User.
  • It does not include when Post Manual or Post Expert is used on an ERA.
  • Adjustments $ displays the total dollar amount of the Adjustments column.
  • Refunds reports Refunds done per User.
  • Refunds posted using the Apply button or one of the dropdown functions on the Remit screen are credited to ERA/User.
  • Refunds $ displays the total dollar amount of the Refunds column.
  • Displays as a negative number.
  • Write-Offs reports Write-Offs per User.
  • Write-Offs $ Displays the total dollar amount of the Write-Offs column.
  • Transfers reports Transfers of money from one responsibility bucket to another. Example: When the Insurance payment is posted, the balance transfers from the Insurance and transfers to the Patient or Secondary Insurance.
  • Transfers $ displays the total dollar amount of the Transfers.
  • When the Transfer is complete the dollar amount will be zero.
  • It may not be zero if there is a Charge Reversal, a Refund, or Write-Off.

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