Split Encounters

Split Encounters

Splitting Encounters allows you to separate specified Procedure lines from one Encounter to a new Encounter.

  1. This feature is available when entering or modifying a Charge and from the Encounter Dashboard.
  2. This is very useful for a split of UB/Institutional Procedures and Professional Procedures (ANSI/HCFA), Rural Healthcare (RHC), or Durable Medical Equipment (DME).
  3. Some clients with a Charge Interface (DFT) have settings in place to auto-split DME Claims for Medicare based on the CPT Reporting Group, DME.
  4. The Change Log provides an audit trail of Split Encounters.

Activate Split Encounters

From Admin, choose System Default Settings > Charges > SPLIT

  • Choose YES.


Split from the Add/Modify Charge Screen

  1. From the Encounter Dashboard, choose the Modify button.

  1. Select the checkboxes in the Procedure Lines panel for the Line Items you want to Split to another claim.

  2. Click Save [F2].

  1. Validation Warning: A Validation pop-up will display the Procedure Lines that will be Split to a New Encounter.

  2. Click Save & Continue.


The New Charge screen will display. Modify the new charges as necessary.

  • You may need to change the Claim Type and/or the Insurance.


Split from the Encounter Dashboard

  1. On the Encounter Dashboard of an Incomplete Charge, click the Split button.

  • On the Encounter Dashboard of a Completed Charge, click the Split button.

  1. Select the checkboxes on the Line Items to Split.

  2. Click Save [F2].

  1. Validation Warning: Split Procedure Lines display.

  2. Click Save & Continue.

The Split Encounter with the New Charges will display. Make the necessary changes on the Charge.


There will be a banner on the top of the Encounter Dashboard for each Encounter indicating that it is a Split Encounter and the associated Encounter number.


The Split is also recorded in the Change Log.


Merge Split Encounters

If an Encounter was split in error, use the Merge feature to "UnSplit" the 2 Encounters.

  1. Click Merge on the Encounter Dashboard of one of the Encounters that was Split.


  1. On the Merge Encounter screen pop-up, the Line items for each Encounter will display.

  2. I Understand: Select the boxes indicating that you understand what this process will do.

  3. Click Save [F2].

  1. The Modify Charge screen will display with the merged Line Items. Make any necessary changes.

  2. Click Save [F2].

The Encounters will now be Merged back into one Encounter.

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