Revenue Codes Library

Revenue Codes Library

Revenue Codes are used for Institutional Claims (UB04). Revenue Codes can be added, modified, and deleted in the Library. (Libraries > Revenue Codes)

Add a Revenue Code  

  1. From Libraries on the Left Side Menu, select the Revenue Codes button.

  1. Select the Add button.

  1. Enter the Revenue Code.

  2. Enter a Description.

  3. To use Days instead of Units for Institutional Claims, select the checkbox. Leave the box unchecked to use Units.

  4. Select Save [F2].


Edit a Revenue Code to use Days instead of Units

  1. From Libraries on the Left Side Menu, select the Revenue Codes button.

  1. Select the Revenue Code.

  1. Select the checkbox for Units as Days.

  2. Click Save [F2].

Learn More:
  1. Setup for UB04 / Institutional Claims
  2. Institutional Billing (UB04)

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