Productivity Snapshot Report

Productivity Snapshot Report

Productivity Snapshot Report

This report is accessed from the Home Dashboard. It shows the Productivity for each Day Posted, Billing and Rendering Provider, Facility, Insurance, and Insurance Groups.

Run the Productivity Snapshot Report

  1. Choose the Filter Criteria
    1. Time Span
    2. Date Span: Post Date or DOS
    3. If you only want to see Graphs, uncheck the Table checkbox.
    4. If the Graphs are not needed, uncheck the Graph checkbox.
    5. Select the Run button to view the Report.
  2. The first panel is a Graph showing Total Charges, Payments, Adjustments, Write-Offs, Refunds, and Collections for the Practice.
  3. By the Day Posted.
  4. By the Billing Provider.
  5. By the Rendering Provider.
  6. By the Facility.
  7. By the Insurance.
  8. By the Insurance Reporting Group.

Exclude a Panel

If there is a panel that you do not want to see, click the X to the left of the panel name.
  1. For example, this Practice does not have any Insurance Reporting Groups.
    1. Click the X to the left of Insurance Reporting Groups.
    2. At the bottom of the screen, select Save Current View.
The next time the report is run, it will not include the Insurance Reporting Group panel if you selected Save Current View.

  1. Select the Print View button.
  2. When the report displays on your screen, right click your mouse and choose Print.
  3. Print View opens a new browser tab. Close it to continue.

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