Print Superbills, Facesheets, and Forms from the Calendar

Print Superbills, Facesheets, and Forms from the Calendar

InfoIn the Documentation and in your PM system, Superbills can be referred to as Encounter Forms, Fee Slips, Fee Tickets, and Tickets.
  1. On the Scheduling tab on the Calendar, choose the Date, Resources, and Facilities for the superbills you want to print. All Appointments on the Calendar screen will be printed on a Superbill.

  1. On the Checked In/Reports tab in the Reports Panel, click Superbills.

  1. The Print Superbills pop-up window shows with the criteria chosen from the Calendar Scheduling tab. Criteria can be removed or added on this pop-up.

  2. Select the Mark as Printed checkbox.

    1. Activate the System Setting for tracking Printed Superbills.
  3. Click Run (shows in the figure above). This runs the Report and opens it as a PDF.

  1. Click your Printer Icon. Depending on your computer's operating system and PDF viewer, the print icon might look differently than the figure above.

  1. Choose the Resources on the Calendar that you want to print Superbills.

  1. Save as a Display Profile for future use.

  1. On the Checked In/Reports tab in the Reports Panel, click Superbills.

  1. The Print Superbills pop-up window shows with the criteria chosen from the Calendar Scheduling tab. Criteria can be removed or added on this pop-up.

  2. Select the Mark as Printed checkbox

  3. Click Run (shows in the figure above). This runs the Report and opens it as a PDF.

  1. Click Print.

If you have forms, such as Facesheets, loaded in the System, you can print them in a batch.


  1. On the Scheduling tab on the Calendar, choose the Date, Resources, and Facilities for the Forms you want to print. A Form will be printed for All Appointments on the Calendar screen.

  1. On the Checked In/Reports tab in the Reports panel, click Forms.

  2. On the Print Forms pop-up window, it displays the criteria chosen from the Calendar Scheduling tab. Criteria can be removed or added on this pop-up.

  3. Select Form: Choose the form to print from the dropdown.

  4. Select Run.


  1. Click your Printer Icon.

  1. Click the Patient's Appointment on the Calendar.

  1. Click Print Superbill or Print Form.

  1. On the Print Superbill pop-up window, you have the option to Mark as Printed which will change the link to Superbill Printed.

  2. Click Print.

  3. Choose the Printer Icon to print.


Prevent an Event Type from Printing

  1. From the Scheduling Dashboard, click Schedule Setup.

  1. Click an Appointment Type or search for one with the Type and/or Description Filter Criteria.

  2. On the Modify Appointment Type pop-up, do not select to upload a Superbill.

  3. Leave the Superbill ID field blank.

  4. Click Save (F2).

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