Post a Medicare Advance Recoupment

Post a Medicare Advance Recoupment

To prevent the Recoupment from affecting your A/R, the Recoupment and Adjustment can be posted at the same time. This will bring the encounter balance to zero on the Medicare Advance "fictitious" patient.


Post an ERA Recoupment

There will be a message in red letters on the ERA File Dashboard alerting you that there are Provider Level transactions that could not be auto-posted.




These transactions will show near the bottom of the EOB, and there will be a difference between the Total Paid to Provider and the Total EFT/Check Amount.



  1. On the ERA File Dashboard screen, select Attach a New Receipt.


  1. Enter the amount of the Recoupment as a negative number.

  2. Select Save [F2].


  1. Select the new Receipt that was created on the ERA File Dashboard.

  2. Select Post Expert Mode.

  3. Enter the Encounter number preceded by an "e" or use the Search icon to find the Medicare Payment Advance Patient and tab.

  4. Choose the Encounter.



  1. Transaction Code: Enter IP.

  2. Amount: Enter the negative amount for the Recoupment.

  3. Transaction Code: Enter the adjustment code that was created for the Medicare Advance Adjustment. For example: CAPSAP.

  4. Amount: Enter the same amount as the Recoupment. If you set the adjustment code up as a credit, enter a positive amount, and a negative amount if the adjustment code was setup as a debit.



    • This will create a negative balance on the Encounter. Posting an adjustment will bring the Encounter balance to zero which leaves your A/R unaffected.

    • The result will be: IP and CAPSAP (or your preferred adjustment code) in the Payments and Adjustments window, and the balance should be 0.00 on the top right.

  1. Select Save Unbalanced.

  2. Select Save [F2].


Post a Recoupment Manually  

The process will be the same as the ERA except for two things:

  • You will create a Receipt by going to Post Payment instead of creating a receipt on the ERA.

  • If there are Payments on the same Remit, always post the Recoupment first. If you post the payments first, you will not have enough money in escrow to complete your posting.