Policies Not Part of an Insurance Profile

Policies Not Part of an Insurance Profile

This panel acts as a holding area for policies that are not currently part of an Insurance Profile.

Reasons for Policies being in this panel

  • Deleted from an Insurance profile.
  • Added from the Add New Policy that is not part of a Profile link.
  • Added by the system because the Save button was not clicked after adding an Insurance Profile.

Delete Policies from this panel

Reassign a Policy to a New Profile

Store a Policy

  • Store it in the panel for future use. 
    • For example: A Medicare policy can be stored for future reference if a patient currently has a Medicare Replacement/Advantage Plan.

Add New Policy that is not part of a Profile

  1. On the Insurance Management screen, click Add New Policy that is not part of a Profile.

  2. If you are using Direct Scanning, you can scan the card and the information will populate.

  3. If not using Direct Scanning, choose the Insurance.

  4. Add the Policy Number and any other relevant information.

  5. Click Save (F2).

Delete an Insurance Policy

After you Delete an Insurance Profile the associated policies move into the Policies not part of an Insurance Profile panel. The Policies can be deleted permanently from this panel.

  1. From the Policies not part of an Insurance Profile panel on the Insurance Management screen, click the Trash Can next to the policy you want to delete.

  2. Enter a Reason.

  3. Click Delete.

Move an Existing Policy from the Not Part of a Profile Panel

Use an Insurance that is in the Policies not part of a Profile
  1. Click Add New Insurance Profile. 

      2. Click From Existing.

      3. Choose the Insurance from the list.

4. Enter a Note if applicable.

5. Click Save (F2).

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