Accurate Demographic Conversion

Accurate Demographic Conversion

One of the keys to a successful demographic data conversion is an accuracy review. Review at least 20-30 patients using the checklist below. This is a time sensitive process, so complete your review within 24 hours of conversion. You will use the Conversion Accuracy Checklist form as a sign-off verifying that the data is correct for test conversions and final conversions. 

Once the data has been reviewed and issues have been corrected, the final data conversion will take place shortly before Go-Live. You must sign-off on the final cut of data using the Conversion Accuracy Checklist before Go-Live will take place. If you are using your old system in the interim, keep a manual log of all new patients, appointments, and demographic updates. Add the logged data to your new PM manually after the final sign off.  

Open your old PM, your new PM, and, if possible, the final conversion file as well. Compare the data in your new PM with the data in your old PM and the Conversion data spreadsheet. If it was in the old PM and the Conversion data spreadsheet, it should be in the new PM imported data. For a more detailed list, create a Custom Patient Query (CPQ) Report which will give more data to use for comparison than the Patient List.

View Patients data from the Find Patient/Guarantor Dashboard

  1. In the sidebar of the new PM, click Patient.

  2. Enter a percentage symbol (%) in the Last name field to display all records.

  3. Click Search.

  1. Confirm the total number of records by clicking the Many link on the right above the list. This number may vary based on what records are chosen to import.

  1. Click the Patient column heading to sort and confirm the highest and lowest Patient ID numbers. Click once to display the highest to lowest; click a second time to display the lowest to highest.

  2. Select a Patient ID to go to the Patient Dashboard

Custom Patient Query (CPQ)

To make a more detailed comparison use the CPQ Report.

Items to check

Number of Records (10-20)

  • Did we convert the correct number of records?
  • Are the highest and lowest Patient ID numbers correct?

Patient Checklist:

On the Patient Dashboard, click the plus symbol (+) to expand the Demographic panel.

  • Patient ID/ Chart Number: Patient ID and Chart number should match your old PM and/or EHR.
  • Name (first, last, and middle names)
  • Date of Birth
  • Address
  • Phone
  • Gender
  • Referring Provider (if imported)

Guarantor Checklist 

  • Name, Date of Birth, Address, and Phone
  • Patient to Guarantor relationship (could be Self for all depending on the old PM)
  • All dependents are linked to the correct Guarantor.

Insurance Checklist (if applicable) 

  • Policy holder and Relationship
  • Profile (Primary correctly built and defaults set)
  • Verify Policy IDs, Copay  (if applicable)

Duplicate Patients

If this is a Test Conversion, identify duplicate patients and merge them in your old PM (legacy) PM. If this is a Final Conversion, and there are still duplicates, speak to your Implementation Consultant or conversion engineer for next steps.

  • From the Admin Dashboard, click Merge PatientsDo not merge any patients before getting direction from your Implementation Manager.

  • Filter criteria allows you to narrow search results.
  • The export icon allows you to send a list to a .CSV file.

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