Payments & Adjustments Report

Payments & Adjustments Report

Use this report to find details on any transaction posted by User, date range, time, etc.

  1. Example:  You notice on your Practice Analysis report that your Adjustments are unusually high. On the Payments & Adjustments Report, you can see exactly what those adjustments are.

Payments and Adjustment Transaction Codes

    1. IP: Insurance Payment
    2. PP: Patient Payment
    3. PRF: Patient Refund
    4. IRF: Insurance Refund
    5. PPC: Patient Collections Payment
    6. IPC: Insurance Collections Payment
    7. CO codes: Contractual Obligation
    8. CR: Corrections and Reversals - Credit
    9. OA: Other Adjustment - Credit
    10. PCA: Patient Credit Applied
    11. PD: Patient Debit Adjustment
    12. PDC: Patient Discount - Self Pay
    13. PR Codes: Patient Responsibility

    14. WOI: Write-off Insurance

    15. WOP: Write-off Patient

    16. WOCP: Write-off Courtesy Patient

    17. SBWO: Write-off Small Balance

    18. WOCOL: Write-off Small Balance

Filter Criteria

  1. Date Type: Post Date, Date of Service, Received Date, or Entered Date.
  2. Date Span: Choose the Date Range from the dropdown.
  3. Posted From/Posted To: Enter to compare totals with the Date Range chosen above.
  4. Reference Batch: Use to run specified Reference Batches.
  5. Receipt: Use to run specified Receipt number.
  6. Transaction Code: Use to run specified Transaction Codes
  7. Transaction Code Groups: Use to filter by specific Transaction Code Groups only, such as, Adjustments and Write-Offs in one code group.
  8. Include Undone Transactions: Checked by default. It gives the same numbers as end-of-month report (Undo and Reversed Payments). Uncheck if these are not to be included.
  9. Include Non-Significant Transactions: These are transactions, such as, Transfers from one responsible to another. (Not often used)
  10. Detailed Adjustments: If selected, the report will include Totals by individual CO and PR codes.
  11. Exclude Provider Transactions: If selected, the report will exclude Transactions with Providers listed.
  12. Show Debit Amounts as Negative in Details: Shows negative amounts with a negative sign.
  13. Totals Only:
    1. If selected, the report gives the Totals for each Transaction Code broken down by Transaction Category, such as, Payments, Adjustments, Refunds, etc.
    2. If deselected, other fields become available, including Patient details.
    3. Deselect the checkbox when using this Report as a Collections Report.
  14. Include Fields: Use the Uncheck link to clear all the checkboxes.

Totals Only Example

Totals Only Deselected Example

This is best run in Landscape Orientation.

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