Move an Encounter (Charge) or Receipt to another Reference Batch

Move an Encounter (Charge) or Receipt to another Reference Batch

Move Encounters, Receipts, and Payments to another Reference Batch

If you posted Encounters, Receipts, or Payments in the wrong Reference Batch, they can be moved to the correct Reference Batch. Encounters and Receipts with Payments posted in the same Reference Batch can be moved easily. However, if the Receipt is in one Reference Batch, but the Payment was posted in another Reference Batch, the Receipt and Posted Payment must be linked before moving them to the correct batch.

Move to the Correct Reference Batch

Encounters (Charges); Receipts with the Payments Posted in the Same Batch; Receipts that have not been Posted

  1. Both Reference Batches must be in the OPENED status (status button must be green). Make note of the destination Reference Batch number.
  2. Link to one of the two Reference Batches.
  3. Click the Items number link to go to the Batch Details screen.

  1. Select the checkboxes of the Encounters or Receipts to be moved.
  2. Click Change Batch.

  1. On the Change Reference Batch panel, use the lookup icon or enter the destination Batch number.
  2. Select the Update Post Date checkbox.
  3. Click Save(F2).

Three items were moved from Reference Batch 562 to Reference Batch 564.

Move a Posted Receipt and Payment not in the same Reference Batch

When a Receipt was Entered in one Reference Batch but Incorrectly Posted while attached to another Reference Batch, you must first join the Receipt and the Posted Payment.

  1. Both Reference Batches must be OPENED status. Make note of the destination Reference Batch number and the Reference Batch where the receipt currently resides.
  2. Link to the Reference Batch that contains the Receipts.

Step One: The Receipt and Payment must be joined by moving the Receipt to the Payment Batch

  1. Click the Items number link of the Receipt.

  1. Select the checkboxes of the Receipts that need to be connected to the payment. Make a note of the Receipt numbers you are moving.
  2. Click Change Batch.

  1. On the Change Reference Batch panel, use the Lookup icon or enter the destination Payment Batch number. 
  2. Deselect the Update Post Date checkbox.
  3. Click Save (F2). (The receipt and posted payment are now joined.)

Step 2: Move the Receipt and Posted Payment to the correct destination Batch.

  1. Click the Items number link of the Batch where the Receipt was moved. (The Receipts and Payments now reside in the same Reference Batch.)

  1. Select the Receipt numbers to move back to the correct Destination Batch. (This can be the original Receipt Reference Batch, or it can be a completely different batch.)
  2. Click Change Batch.

  1. On the Change Reference Batch panel, use the lookup icon or enter the destination Reference Batch number.
  2. Select the Update Post Date checkbox.
  3. Click Save [F2]. (The Receipt and posting are now in the same Batch.)

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