List of Mappable Fields

List of Mappable Fields

View as a searchable .xlsx file here: Complete List of Mappable Fields (.xlsx) Patients Name on the Appointment TEST2, JEREMY Z 
apt.next_appt Next Appointment Date 03/22/2016 
apt.note Appointment Note prints from schedule but not pt dashboard f/u of staph infection Person ID on Appointment Not Patient ID 19541 
apt.ptid Appointment Patient ID 9090 
apt.reason Appointment Reason poss change anitbiotics 
apt.referral Free Text - Referal Reason staph infection 
apt.refid Referring Prov. ID AMR 
apt.resource Provider for Appointment SMITH 
apt.resource Resource for Appointment MAVUS A JACOBS, MD 
apt.resource_facility_abr Resource for Appointment (Facility Abbreviation) Facility Location that is showing on Appt Menu THOMSON 
123 Meadow Place 
apt.fac_address2 Appointment Facility Address 2 Suite 500 
apt.fac_address3 Appointment Facility Address 3 Hudson, OH 44236 
apt.fac_address1_2 Appointment Facility Address 1 and 2 123 Meadow Place Suite 500 
blank Suite 500 
apt.fac_city Appointment Facility City CANTON 
apt.fac_state Appointment Facility State NJ 
apt.fac_zip Appointment Facility Zip 07646 
apt.fac_city_st_zip Appointment Facility City, State, Zip CANTON, NJ 07646 
apt.resource_facility Appointment Resource Facility ABC CLINIC 
apt.resourceid Resource ID PJACOB 
apt.status Appointment Status O 
apt.status_description Appointment Status Description Confirmed 
apt.refname requested referring dr NAME DAVID D AMROSE MD 
pat.next_appt_time Next Appointment Time 09:00 AM 
pat.next_appt Next Appointment Date 03/22/2016 
pat.next_appt_type Next Appointment Type OFFICE VISIT 
calendar SUPPORT 

pat.pcp Primary Care Provider BIR 
pat.pcp_credentials Primary Care Provider Credentials MD 
pat.pcp_fname Primary Care Provider First Name ALLAN 
pat.pcp_fname_lname Primary Care Provider First Name Last Name ALLAN JAY BIRD DO 
pat.pcp_lname Primary Care Provider Last Name BIRD 
pat.pcp_lname_fname Primary Care Provider Last Name First Name BIRD, ALLAN JAY DO 
pat.pcp_middle Primary Care Provider Middle Name JAY 
pat.pcp_npi Primary Care Provider NPI 1073549666 
pat.pcp_practice Primary Care Practice Name JAY BIRD PRIMARY CARE 
pat.pcp_address_full Primary Care Provider Address Full 222 SMITH AVE STE 1 CANTON, NJ 07646 
pat.pcp_address1 Primary Care Provider Address 1 222SMITH AVE 
pat.pcp_address2 Primary Care Provider Address 2 STE 1 
pat.pcp_address1_2 Primary Care Provider Address 1 and 2 222 SMITH AVE STE 1 
pat.pcp_city_state_zip Primary Care Provider City, State, Zip CANTON, NJ 07646 
pat.pcp_phone Primary Care Provider Phone Number 666 123-4568 
pat.pcp_fax Primary Care Provider Phone Fax Number 666 123-4569 

pat.rendering_id Rendering Provider ID KMT 
pat.rendering_credentials Rendering Provider Credentials MD 
pat.rendering_fname Rendering Provider First Name KATHERINE 
pat.rendering_fname_lname Rendering Provider First Name Last Name KATHERINE LEWIS 
pat.rendering_lname Rendering Provider Last Name LEWIS 
pat.rendering_lname_fname Rendering Provider Last Name First Name LEWIS KATHERINE 
pat.rendering_middle Rendering Provider Middle Name MARIE 
pat.rendering_npi Rendering Provider NPI 1234567890 

pat.rendering_address_full Rendering Provider Full Address 
pat.rendering_address1 Rendering Provider Address 1 123 LAVENDER LANE 
pat.rendering_address2 Rendering Provider Address 2 SUITE 456 
pat.rendering_address1_2 Rendering Provider Address 1 and 2 123 LAVENDER LANE SUITE 456 
pat.rendering_city_state_zip Rendering Provider City, State, Zip ORLANDO, FL 32830 
pat.rendering_phone Rendering Provider Phone 555-555-1234 
pat.rendering_fax Rendering Provider Fax 555-555-5678 

A Custom Field called "Collection Note" needs to  
be mapped "ins1.custom_field_collection note"  
to generate for the Primary Insurance ----- this  
field lives in the Add/Modify Policy screen on the  
Patient Dashboard. 

Replace XXXXX with the label name in  

ins1.state Insurance State NJ 
ins1.subscriber Subscriber TEST2, LINDA T  
ins1.validfrom Insurance Valid From yyyy/mm/dd 1990-01-01 
ins1.validto Insurance Valid To yyyy/mm/dd 2035-02-01 Insurance Zip 32816 

Charge / Encounter Field ID Description Notes Example Output 


*Anything that starts with "per." will also work for "guarantor" 

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