HL7 Acronyms

HL7 Acronyms

Acronyms and Definitions used in the System

Health Level Seven (HL7) is a set of international standards used to provide guidance when transferring and sharing healthcare data. The System uses HL7 to communicate with 3rd party vendors, and the same mappings are used to connect clinical documentation and terminology to the codes and terms needed for billing.

Most Commonly used Acronyms

  • ADT (Admission, Discharge, Transfer)

    • These messages carry Patient Demographic information, and also provide other information such as Admission and Discharge Dates and are typically sent from the Billing to the Clinical Documentation. These messages can be bidirectional if it is supported by your System.

  • DFT (Detailed Financial Transactions)

    • These Messages describe a Detailed Financial Transactions that is sent from the Clinical Documentation to Billing, such as Charges. It is Unidirectional, and cannot be sent back to the Clinical side.

  • SIU (Scheduling Information Unsolicited):

    • These are unsolicited messages used to exchange Patient Appointment information and are typically sent from Billing to the Clinical side. These messages can be bidirectional if is supported by your System.

Other HL7 Message Acronyms

  • BAR (Billing Account Record)

    • These Messages are used to add or change the Patient’s Billing Account information.  These are currently used for CASE information.

  • MFN (Master File Notification)
    • Master File message used for updating Libraries across Systems and mostly used for Referring Provider Libraries.
  • ORM (Ordering Message)

    • Scheduling Messages that are more robust and are converted from ORUs to SIU Messages for processing in the PM.

HL7 Separator Characters

  (x0D)Segment separator
     |Field separator, aka pipe
     ^Component separator, aka hat
     &Sub-component separator
     ~Field repeat separator
    Escape character

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