CLIA Number

CLIA Number

Send CLIA Electronically for Labs

A Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment (CLIA) Certificate of Waiver is a certification that allows a facility, primarily laboratories, to legally examine a person through waived tests in order to assess health, diagnose, and determine treatment.

  • ANSI Electronic Claim: The billing laboratory performs all laboratory testing.
  • The independent laboratory submits a single claim for CLIA-covered laboratory tests and reports the billing laboratory’s number in:
  • X12N 837 (HIPAA version) loop 2300, REF02. REF01 = X4
  • ANSI Electronic claim: billing laboratory performs some laboratory testing; some testing is referred to another laboratory. This means the lab can only conduct simple testing that involves uncomplicated laboratory procedures and examinations. Tests other than waived tests cannot be performed. An example of a waived test is the popular blood glucose testing device used to monitor blood glucose levels at home.
  • To access the full list of waived tests, visit the FDA website.
  • The clinical diagnostic laboratory will not have to submit separate claims for referred and performed services. The CLIA numbers from both the billing and reference laboratories must be submitted on the same claim. The presence of the ‘90’ modifier at the line item service identifies the referral tests. Referral laboratory claims are only permitted for independently billing clinical laboratories, specialty code 69.
  • The billing laboratory submits, on the same claim, tests referred to another (referral/rendered) laboratory, with modifier 90 reported on the line item and reports the referral laboratory’s CLIA number in:
  • X12N 837 (HIPAA version) loop 2400, REF02. REF01 = F4

Claim Level CLIA  (Billing Laboratory)

  • The CLIA number must be set up on the Facility.

  1. It displays in Loop 2300 on the Electronic Claim (ANSI refx4)
  1. It shows in HCFA Box 23, if the CLIA is entered in the Submit Claim Rules field on the Add/Modify Procedure Code screen.


A physician has ordered the DEF independent laboratory to perform glucose testing and tissue typing for a patient. Since the DEF Laboratory is approved to perform only at the routine chemistry LC level (which includes glucose testing), it refers the tissue-typing test to the GHI laboratory.

  • The DEF laboratory submits a single claim for the glucose and tissue typing tests; the line item service for the glucose test is submitted without a ‘90’ modifier since the DEF laboratory performed this test. The CLIA number for the DEF laboratory is entered in the electronic claim in:
  • X12N 837 (HIPAA version) loop 2300, REF02. REF01 = X4
  • On the same claim, the line item service for the tissue typing test is submitted with a ‘90’ modifier and the referral/rendering GHI laboratory’s CLIA number is entered on the electronic claim in:
  • X12N 837 (HIPAA version) loop 2400, REF02. REF01 = F4

Procedure Level CLIA  (Referral Laboratory)

Add a Laboratory

Ask your Implementation Manager to help set up the preliminary information.
  1. From Libraries on the left side menu, select the Laboratories button.

  1. Select the Add button.

  1. Enter a short Lab ID.

  2. Enter the Name of the Lab

  3. Select the Lab Type from the dropdown.

  4. Enter the Lab Address.

  5. Enter Contact Information.

  6. Select Save [F2].

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