Change a Provider's Status

Change a Provider's Status

View Provider Status

Claims can only be submitted for a Provider that has the status of Active.

  • The Provider status can be viewed on the Billing/Rendering Provider screen (Libraries > Billing/Rendering Providers).
  • All billing functions will become available on the selected Active date.
  • To view the Inactive Providers, select the checkbox for Include Inactive Providers.
  • If you cannot see the Filters, select the Show link.

Adding a Provider Before Go-Live

If the Practice is in Training:

  • If your Practice is not yet live on the System, enter (for Today) in the Active Date field and Tab.
  • If your System is licensed by Provider, the license will not be considered Active (and will not be invoiced) until your Practice Database is in Production.
  • By entering Today's Date instead of the anticipated Go-Live date, it will not be necessary to change the Active Date even if your Go-Live date changes.

Adding a Provider After Go-Live

If the Practice is Live:

  • Enter the date you will begin entering Charges for this Provider.
  • Charges can only be Saved for Providers that have an Active Status.

Change a Provider's Status

Contact Support when an Inactive Provider needs to be made Active.
  1. On the Billing/Rendering Provider screen, select the Provider ID.
  2. On the Provider Dashboard, select the Edit link.

  1. Select the Manage link in the Status panel.
  2. Select the Add button.

  1. Choose the Status and Effective Date.
  • Active: All billing functions are available on the Effective date that is entered. A Provider must have an Active Status for new Charges to be saved. This does not affect the DOS that can be entered.
  • Example 1: The Practice is Live: If you have a Provider starting on July 1, but you want to add the Provider Information beforehand on June 15, you would enter July 1 as the Effective Date.
  • Example 2: The Practice is in training: If your Go-Live date is October 1, and you are entering your Providers during training, enter (for Today).
  • Entering Today's date will allow you to enter test Charges during Training.
  • No New Encounters: All A/R functions are available, but no new Encounters can be added.
  • Retired: No Insurance Billing allowed. Patient Statements can be generated, and all payment/adjustment posting is available.
  • Regardless of the effective date, a Retired Provider cannot Bill or Re-Bill. They must be marked as Active or No New Encounters.
  1. Select Save [F2].

Provider Status History

When the Provider Status is updated, the Last Modified date on the historic Status will be updated to reflect that the Provider is no longer in that Status.

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