Clearinghouse Rejection - 2300 NTE02 has a character limit of 80 characters

Clearinghouse Rejection - 2300 NTE02 has a character limit of 80 characters

CE - 2300 NTE02 has a character limit of 80 characters 

  • EDI has an edit in place that will reject Claims that have greater than 80 characters in the 2300 NTE segment. This causes frequent issues with Ambulance Claims.

    • We send the pick up and drop off information in the NTE segment.

    • EDI creates the pick up/drop off loops.

    • With this edit, many claims reject because two full addresses are often more than 80.

    • If a client is getting rejections, EDI can add them to a list to exclude the client and allow more than 80 characters to go through.

    • Any Claims other than Ambulance Claims still must stay within the limit of 80 Characters.

    • By default, the NTE Segment is sent with 0 characters.

Resolution: For Ambulance claims ONLY. See SAL #223035 for history. Send a ticket to EDI with a note: "Please add this TaxID: xxx to the fix that allows for more than 80 characters in the Note field for Ambulance claims. Reference CRM Ticket #1031931"